That stuff is very tough, and expensive. Beware, it has a shelf life measured in weeks.Catminer said:Steve
I have used windshield mounting urathane to make battery cable boots, about the same consistency as RTV silicone. Sets up quick and very tough.
gbritnell said:I just got a sale catalog in the mail from Micro Mark.
cfellows said:Steve, Model Engine Builder that has an article on making spark plug boots from 90 degree auto vacuum tube connectors. They look pretty good. I'll look up the issue number if you are interested.
cfellows said:Steve, it's Model Engine Builder, volume 1, issue 4, December 2005. And I was wrong, the boot is made from a 90 degree, PEPCO 1/4" elbow for drip irrigation systems. The metal insert is made from brass tubing.
I have also had a member of our local metal working club indicate that auto stores carry vacuum tube elbows that will work as well.
gbritnell said:My suggestion would be to silver solder them together. With nice tight joints it wouldn't take much solder to fuse them together and it might save you a lot of grief.
gbritnell said:Hi Steve,
I read through the specs for the Silvaloy and they don't recommend it for ferrous metals because of the higher heat needed for melting.