Hi Guy's - I had hoped to be a little further on by now but having hit a couple of snags as things developed which, though so far overcome, and, coupled with the usual external factors that do their best to prevent access to the 'Ole Comfort Zone' at times when that's were you'd rather be has tempered progress a tad :
However heres few more pics of the progress and other bits and pieces to bring it up todate to tonight..........
That expanding mandrel was set up using the four jaw - I don't usually do that prefering to make a new one to ensure accuracy (not so much concentrically but axially) but this worked out fine. The diameter at the end of the valve housing was defined plus .5mm to give a good indicator of whats to come off - or more importantly what to leave on - and to try to establish that rear angle of the intake tube. The overhang on the mandrel was a bit too much for that and there was quite a bit of chatter - this will have to be sorted a bit later
Using the vise on the mill the bolt holes for the front housing and cylinder were drilled using coordinates then some of the waste around that rear end was milled away leaving about a mil on
I felt the next area that needed to be tackled was rounding the top so first a cutter required making. A blank long enough for two was milled, parted off and heat treated without tempering. I have put quench in oil on the drawing which is what I usually do and did the first as such but it didn't seem to have that glass hardness so the second one was done in water.
The cutter was backed off by hand using a needle file and after treatment bolted to its mandrel with a 4BA bolt and the cutting edges stoned. The block in the background was used to do a test cut
Looking at what was available for the next ops it was clear that some extraneous work on the workholding front was going to have to be done....
An ali block was shaped up to hold the case at the 60degree angle for doing the venturi and a plate faced up and slotted so this can be centred either on the faceplate or rotary table
Then this adjustable fixture - made many years ago for holding crankcases for boring out the main bearing sleeve - was modified to use on the R/T.
Then it was time to get going again....
After centering the R/T to the spindle the fixture, with the #1 case securely clamped in, was set up and the bore carefully centred before tightening it down to the R/T.
Using a 4mm FC3 chamfered on the corners milling began by removing the waste around the top paying care not to go too deep over the rear intake tube. It was here that it was noticed that the detail on the drawing for the cutter diameters is in error due to the fact that the outer top profile wasn't drawn over the view - we need a smiley for 'sod it' - the reduced part of the shank is not enough to allow the 12mm cutter to get in. The shank was set up and the reduced portion taken down to 3.6mm but it disintegrated as soon as the bolt was tightened. Hmmm
After a good look it was 'Compromise' time :

- Top was reduced to 35dia and that recessed diameter increased to 28.
a new cutter shank was turned this time using a 2.5mm caphead - only one I could find but ones enough

and it ended the day like this
Before beginning this thread it was assumed that the only way drawings could be put up was to upload them. Obviously this is not a good idea if they are not proven! So, the drawings will be updated as work progresses and having now got the gist of snipping will wait until the case is finished before putting the final version up here rather than upload them - unless that is any one would like to access them as a PDF. We all make mistakes, but I confess I don't
like making them but then again this is a 'first off'
Hope this is still of interest to you
regards - Ramon