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stevehuckss396 said:

About this grooving tool. Is it from the Enco catalog or did you splurge on the Sandvik? I was looking at Sandvik, but they cost far too much to justify. And, it's hard to find anyone who will sell you inserts individually. Last night, while browsing the Enco catalog I saw what appears to be identical tooling, US made to boot!

dieselpilot said:
About this grooving tool.

Got mine fromk KBC tool. They will sell single inserts. They make grooving, threading, turning, and copying inserts in many sizes. I use it alot on small pieces like valves and stuff.

Grooving and
Cut-Off System
For Grooving & Cut-Off
Under .078" Width
Thank you for that. Steve what material did you use for the valves?

looking too good not to coment steve
just waiting for your next post :)
metalmad said:
looking too good not to coment steve
just waiting for your next post :)

Hello Pete!

Shouldn't be too long. I am going to start cutting the rocker arms tomorrow? While the CNC machine is doing that, I am going to try to redrill some of the intake and exhaust ports.
Hello All!

Good day in the garage today. After pressing in my valve cages last week, I spent the day redrilling all the intake and exhaust passages. After that was done I came in the house and made some g-code and started on some rocker arms. I managed to cut the side profile and then after they were broken apart, I milled the slot in the top. I think I am going to make a fixture of some kind so I can finish about 6 at a time.


Hi Steve,
Looking at your rocker arms I get the idea that they will have a roller tip on them. It that's the case are you going to have an adjuster setup on the pushrod side?
gbritnell said:
Hi Steve,
Looking at your rocker arms I get the idea that they will have a roller tip on them. It that's the case are you going to have an adjuster setup on the pushrod side?

Yes they will be rollers. The adjustment will be a 4-40 polylock nut with a 4-40 grub screw to lock the nut. They will be true polylocks like my chevy had. Thats if I can make everything fit!!!
Thats looking real good. Cant wait to see this all assembled.
Hello All!

Started finishing the rockers today. Made a fixture out of some scrap aluminum. Wanted to do 8 at a time but the aluminum had other plans. I was able to make 6 at a time. The parts were drilled for a 2-56 screw and then the outer shape was cut. I'm not real happy with some of them so I may make a second batch. I do like the the way the fixture worked out. I may make a better fixture. No matter what I decide, I won't be doing much any time soon. Work is getting busy!



I admire your patience with those parts, Steve. Great looking parts!

Things are getting busy at my work as well, kinda refreshing for around this town.

I just wouldnt have the guts to try parts that small, tip of the hat too you.! :bow:
Actually a small screwless vice is on my list to do this fall. What size would you recommend?

I actually have run out of stuff to anodize. I need to repair or build a new crank for it though...long story. I am going to place an order someday for the commercial dye.

Today I started a prototype part for one of my neighbors. Something to do with the guys running big electric trains.. I don't know for sure what scale they are. He is asking about a price to anodized the parts but I am a little leary about doing it on parts to be sold. I just really don't want the troubles that could come with that.

I check in a lot throughout the week but it is on my droid and I already mistype enough as it I just generally keep an eye on what you and the rest are up to ;D
deere_x475guy said:
Actually a small screwless vice is on my list to do this fall. What size would you recommend?
I am a little leary about doing it on parts to be sold.

I have a 3" vise on the CNC mill. It works for most everything.

You don't want to end up with another job do you? This stuff is suppose to be something fun to do.