Well-Known Member
Luc, here's hoping that you can conquer you health problems. I always think that keeping a positive attitude helps a lot in overcoming things like this, will be thinking of you.
Thanks for the follow up.
For the last 6 weeks I've been very busy with several customers that need parts right away. So I have working night and day and weekends (Xmas also) just to get them done.
I think the rush is over for now so I can get back to some real fun. That's playing with your H&M
I believe I left off honing the cylinder ... guess it will take a few hours just get back into it.
Pictures ... yes I really need to do that. It's just that keeping up a thread is hard ... and hit and miss thing.
Okay ... tell you what ... I will start a post by Monday January 13, 2014 9:00 am my time.
Oh boy now what have I got myself into ??:hDe:
Pat H