Thanks for the ideas.
I will be adding a center crank bearing and closely inspect the entire crankshaft.
I will be adding a center crank bearing and closely inspect the entire crankshaft.
I think is even a bit more than your estimation.Excellent! - Hope it resolves the #57 issue! If my Math is right the crank should be 8 times stiffer? - so the out-of kilter should occur at about 2.8 times the previous 3000rpm? = 8400rpm?
Not that I think you'll get there with automatic intake valves.
Be interesting to hear your results in due course.
An excellent thread!
F is resultant of forces acting on analyzed half of crankshaft.The calculation for a beam supported at both ens is assuming pin jointed at the ends. The 3 bearing crank acts the same for each half really.... IMHO?
Hang on. You live in a cave, and you are a knight? You don't happen to dress as a bat and go out to catch criminals at night do you?I guess, but not by me! Last serious calculations (excluding +,-,x,: ) I have done maybe 30 years ago...
Please let me return to my cave! And I am not ironic.
Any knight needs an ideal to continue to fight ; be it Holy Grail, crusade, wealth or love...or other.
I have already defined mine and I will be much happier when I will finish -for instance- my first IC engine...if!