Briggs & Stratton 6S - A Beginnig

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The last three pictures show things sort of put together with the air filter, an end view showing the mixer vane, and finally with the needle valve installed.



Its still not finished...still have the butterfly valve to make, the bottom support to attach it to the gas tank, and a few angled bracing pieces just to give it a more realistiv look. Thanks for checking in.

Your hard soldering turned out great, Bill. Especially on the muffler, which would have been easy
to have it run all over the place!
It looks like the lemon juice did okay, too. I've never tried this, but maybe vinegar would too. I just
use ascorbic acid you can get at the health food store, in the vitamin C section. Like vinegar or lemon,
it won't hurt your skin, so you can put your fingers in it and scrub parts with someone else's toothbrush.

Thanks for the new pics and update!

Thanks Dean,
I didn't think of the vinegar and have some of that (though I prefer the smell of lemon juice to vinegar any day). I will check at the health food store for some ascorbic acid also. Personally I don't darken the doors of those places, but for modeling work I will make an exception :big:

Thanks for the comments. Hope to get a little more done today.

Nice soldering job Bill.
I've been pretty busy lately and not posting much...but I've been following along.
It's very nice work.

A little something for scale (toothbrush doesn't count ;D) would be a big help for me.
Thanks Zee. I saw in the ShoutBox that you had been under the weather. Hope you are feeling better. I'll post something for a size reference. Sometimes I do...just forgot to this time since most of the parts had been posted previously.

Have been looking for a 4-40 wingnut to attach the air filter to its base via the threaded stud and haven't had much luck finding just one or two. While at Lowe's this morning I did find a nice 6-32 stainless wingnut sooooo....a little hard solder in the 6-32 threads and a quick re-drill and re-tap and presto...a 4-40 wingnut that isn't too bad off scale. The last two pictures are as requested by Zee for some size comparison. The little red guy is a gummy bear (sorry...was out of M&M's) and the last one is some old guys hand :eek:

Edit for Dean: I had remade the little elbow piece for the muffler since the original was soft soldered and I wasn't too confident that it would hold up under the exhaust heat. Anyway after hard soldering the new one along with the wingnut I tried cleaning them in vinegar instead of lemon juice. I have to say it worked significantly faster than the lemon juice.




Those kinds of scales always make me hungry. ;D

Nice job on the wing-nut. Nice tip too.
Me too Zee...unfortunately the gummy bear met with a quick demise shortly after the pic was taken :big:

Nice wingnut work, Bill. The assembly shot with the fuel tank looks sooo good! Any B&S guy would
recognize it!
Thanks for letting us know about the vinegar, too. I thought it may work.
The way I found out that ascorbic acid was available at health food stores came from a search for chems
to make my own photo developing chemicals. Ascorbic is an ingredient for those, too.

b.lindsey said:
Me too Zee...unfortunately the gummy bear met with a quick demise shortly after the pic was taken :big:


Oh nooo! I didn't realize this thread would turn to carnage and mayhem.

Funny you should mention photography. Back in the OLD days when I was the photographer for the high school paper I did all my own darkroom work (B&W only). As I was trying out the vinegar today it dawned on me that the "fixer" bath (IIRC) was acidic and dirt cheap too. I made it by the gallons!! Probably hard to find these days what with digital and all. And it didn't smell as bad as vinegar either!

Yes, some fixer has that smell, but what really smells of strong vinegar is the stop bath.
And I'll betcha stop bath would work well as a pickle, too!

You can still get the same good old chems from Kodak. Dektol, D-76, thiosulphate fix, indicator stop,
and all that.
Even Diafine and Rodinal are still being made. I still use them!

This is really looking good.

I do hope that we won't be seeing headlines reading "Local Model Engine Builder Jailed for out-of-season Bear hunting...." :big:

Looks excellent Bill, nice job on the silver soldering.

Thanks Joe and Nick. Hmmmm...apparently the choice of gummy bears as a size reference leaves something to be desired as far as political correctness. Better replenish the stock of M&M's soon I suppose :big:

Thanks for checking in guys!!

Since the last post I have made and attached the mounting plate that attaches the carb to the gas tank and mounted it to the carb, and today got the butterfly valve pretty much completed with the exception of the short arm where the throttle control cable will attach. A few pictures are attached of the valve and carb assembly as it looks now.




The last two pictures show the carb assy now screwed to the gas tank without and with the air filter. The base of the air filter did have to be modified slightly to clear the top of the butterfly valve cap.


Wow, very impressive. Gives me a whole new appreciation for those parts.

As Chuck said, very impressive, Bill! Just the fuel tank and carb could be exhibited as
a project in itself. Great work!

Thanks Dean and Chuck. Sometimes it feels like a project within itself but I will press on...determined to get this little Briggs finished and running alongside its big sister. Just wish I could retire and spend more time with it and the long list of other projects I want to get started on at some point.

Thanks as always for checking in to both of you!!


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