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That jig looks the part Pete, if you have got it right, it only takes about half an hour to make a real nice job of each lobe.

Where are all the tiny intermediate marks BTW, or are you going to guesstimate?

I made a mistake one time of making a cam out of silver steel, then hardening it. They tend to break in half when dropped unless you normalize them, DAMHIK. I then started to use low carbon steel and case harden the lobes.

Thanks Tel
With any luck i will get er done this week
BTW Thanks for setting me straight on the Cam bearing Dim Mate :)
Hi Bogs
If I'm reading the article correctly then ETW did the Cam in three parts, the flanks ,the base circle and the Cam nose.
If I have this right then the first flank is taken to depth on the first mark "EO"
then on "EC".
The intake is then done the same way after which the blank is rotated in the jig for the other cyl.
The base circle ill just guess a few degrees at a time and file the nose.
I think i understood it right, but we will see how good my understanding is when i make the first cut :big:
im thinking of having the lobes chrome plated
metalmad said:
Hi Bez
where in heck in Brisbane did you get BA??
Thanks Mate :)

Brisbane! Heck no, I have to fly down to Mexico to get em at the "right price" :big:
Got a friend with a few spares

Hi Bez
Looks like i owe you a trip up to Mexico mate :big:
today i did the flanks on the first exhaust cam, but I'm thinking of rigging a stop for the cross slide before going futher :) I'm now far more confident of a successful outcome.
Hi Pete, I made the camshaft for my Silver Bullet using the same method as you and it turned out quite well. That was until I
finished the ends and didnt pay attention to which end was which. The first one I made would have made the engine run in reverse rotation from what it was supposed to so a second was made correctly. I mention this so you won't make the same mistake I did. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing your engine run. Dave
Hi Dave
Im excited to see you have started your next build :)
After work today i made up a stop for the compound and did all the cam flanks.
With just a little bit of luck ill get the base circles done tomorrow.
I took down the base circle of the Lobes today but tomorrow looks a total loss so i may not get much done for a few days.
That is looking spot on Pete.

It looks like you are well on the way to making a good cam.

It always looks a daunting task when you first come across that method, but I bet now that you have got this far, it doesn't scare you any more. Thm: Thm:

Hi Bogs
Thanks Mate :)
not a lot more to do now, Im going to add the power take off on the end of the Cam not because i intend to use it, but simply as a interesting mechanical feature to the engine.
With any luck Bez, it will Work like one too :big:
Hi Brock
Thanks Mate
Hope it works as well as it looks :big:
I started boring out the Cam tunnel this arvo but stopped just under .700 (out of .750) in order to check everything is still OK.
got a big job on tomorrow so don't know if ill get much done but I'm hoping to finish the tunnel and start drilling the oil holes while i have the Crank out.
Got started on the Cam bearings today.
The back bearing needs a little shaping and drilling for mounting screws and once im sure i got the frount one right, ill press it in.
The hole is undersize and needs to be reemed.
Hay Brock i thought u might like this pic :big:
Pressed in the frount bearing and after a little bit of filing screwed in the back.
Starting to come together now :)

I drilled and tapped the oil control cover that goes under the flywheel today
I made them 1/8 rather then the 6 BA stated on the sheet as i thought it would be easier to get, will probably counter sink but want to wait till i buy the screws.
Might make a start on the CYL liners this weekend :)
Keep it coming Pete :bow:

I Can't work on mine :-[

but I'm enjoying watching your's come together. *beer*


Hi Bez
Today i machined up the cast iron Cyl liners using ETW's 3 step trick.
I sat one upside down so the stages are shown and as soon as I get some more locktight, ill press em in.
By the way Bez if you (or any other Member for that matter) want to come over in a month or maybe Three, I recon we should be able to start this sucker.
There will be beer for when it starts and more beer in case it doesn't :big:
Today I had a go at the frount timing cover but could not find a way to make it work as well as id have liked.
After trying several different setups I used the center of the distributer housing as my starting point,Then I reversed the tool in the boring head and ran the Mill backwoods to clean up the center Boss, but as it ended up undersize, ill probably put a steel bush on it for the points holder to turn on.


Hi Pete, your engine looks awesome. I admire your progress and ambition. What kind of beer did those caps come from, I might have a use for some. Goes to show how screwed up I am, a perfectly good bottle of beer and I'm only interested in the caps. LOL, Dave