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I thought you were only building one, Steve. There's two of them??

Please tell me you photoshopped that...
ksouers said:
I thought you were only building one, Steve. There's two of them??
Please tell me you photoshopped that...

Sorry, they are real.

2 blocks
2 oil pans
5 heads
3 intakes
2 rear covers
2 front covers

I have enough stuff to build 2 complete engines so far with a few spare parts. One of these is a bad one.


I'm about to start 6 valve covers. Like the heads i'm hoping for at least 4 good ones but i'll take 5.

It doesn't look like Henry Ford got anything over you. Mass production with interchangeable parts. The start of an industrial revolution. viva la Steve!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programs.

SAM in LA said:
It doesn't look like Henry Ford got anything over you. Mass production with interchangeable parts. The start of an industrial revolution. viva la Steve!

The beauty of CNC. There is nothing here that I couln't do manually but why not make 6 in the time it would take to make one. And I built the CNC mill myself so it's not like I bought a CNC mill and bought some Gcode and then hired someone to make the parts for me.

I hope that you didn't think I was being critical. I was trying to be humorous.

If I have offended, please forgive me.

Highest regards,

steve if you want one in a rc you need to send the 2nd running engine to me :bow: :big:

love the progress, keep it up.
your work is outstanding, love it.
SAM in LA said:
I hope that you didn't think I was being critical.


My point was what a big help CNC can be in this situation. Some of the purests think it's cheating.

It must be the way i write things. I am often taken the wrong way but I can assure you I appreciate your comments. Anybody that has met me knows I am a "glass is half full" kind of guy.

Right G!!! Help me out here!!

Sorry for the misunderstanding Sam!!

Speedy said:
steve you need to send the 2nd running engine to me.

Speedy. I'm going to try to be as subtle as possible.

LOL that is exactly what was expected :big:
just to be clear that was a joking tehehe

except the part of keeping progress and photos rolling in :bow:

stevehuckss396 said:
The beauty of CNC. There is nothing here that I couln't do manually but why not make 6 in the time it would take to make one. And I built the CNC mill myself so it's not like I bought a CNC mill and bought some Gcode and then hired someone to make the parts for me.

To those who think it cheating...remember, Steve built the CNC Mill...with a manual mill I bet..... :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

:big: :big: :big: :big: Rof}

You cracked me up on that one Steve....
Hi Steve,
Anyone who is involved with CNC knows that it's definitely not cheating. There's much much more than bolting a piece of metal onto the mill and magically making parts. Personally I don't feel there's a huge time difference in making 'one off' with CNC. By the time everything is modeled, tools are loaded, parts are fixtured and cuts are made a simple shape can be produced almost as fast manually. It's when you get into curves and pockets, repetitive operations and multiple pieces that CNC comes into play.
In your case building your own adds a whole new dimension to the game.
Having worked in a shop with CNC equipment sometimes I'd give anything to have that access.
True to form...George speaks wisdom.

Your absolutely right on single parts, and when you need curves and splines ...CNC makes up for it.

stevehuckss396 said:
Sorry for the misunderstanding Sam!!


I am the one who misunderstood, not you.


Great work.


did you have a thread on your cnc mill?
The valve corvers took forever but all went well. I put a piece of sawed off stock in the mill and drilled the mounting holes and did all the machine work for the bottom side. All was done CNC. All 6 of them.


The block was rotated around holes were drilled to create the counter bore for the screw heads.


The top of the valve cover was brought to size


Then the edges of the counterbore were rounded off with a itty bitty endmill.


Last the corner rounding endmill was used to finish off the top and create the top protrusion.


While I was waiting on the mill I was busy tapping everything that needed to be tapped.


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