sale at littlemachine ?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
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newbie newmember here again
little mach, has a sale on toolholders to fit my 101 atlas with modifications (Part Number: 3762or 3530) any suggestions on the better 1 ???, or would the lantern style holder that be better for the person who knows nothing
thanks again for all the help
goofy063 ;D
I assume that you have the 6" Atlas? The 3762 has a steel piston vs the aluminum piston in the 3530. For the little difference in price I think the 3762 would be better. Note that Chris states that these do not meet his quality standards and that is why they are on closeout cheap.
so i should learn to read :-[ or open my eyes and see why not to buy that sale item :bow:.
save somemore $$ and get US brand
thanks for the enlightenment

p.s please forgive spelling errors
thanks again
sorry black, it is a 6 " atlas/clausing 101100 with missing parts, as soon as i can get pics of what i have ill try to post them and ask many more ?????
black will this set will fit my machine? mine has the lantern post and i guessing every thing is stock on my lathe will i need any extras to make this fit?
thanks again
Since the quick change tool posts go on a wide range of lathes they may not come with the right T-nut to mount it on the compound. You may need to machine the one that comes with it or make one. Not sure what size the threads are on the Phase II but you might be able to order what you need.

Someone else here may have more specific knowledge about your lathe. I have a 12" Craftsman and I had to make a T-nut for mine.
QCTPS are the way to go I have a A2Z cnc made in usa on my mini lathe. I have used a size 100/AXA on my 7 x 10 .

the smaller ones are realy a better size for the smaller lathes.
good morning everyone
i just called enco the phaseII will fit butttt its made in china :'(.
A2Z is made in the USA ;D.
phase2 comes with knurling tool - 40$ 4a USA knurl at littlemachine which i problie wont use.
so i guess what i need to know is which is the best quality A2Z or phase2?
Be careful what you order. The Atlas needs a very small tool post. 0XA or smaller. The AXA size will not allow the tool holder to go low enough to place the tool bit on center.

I have a 8" Rivett lathe and the AXA is too tall for it. Your Atlas will be shorter.

You could mill the bottoms of the tool holders to work but that sounds like a royal PITA.

I just posted this link in another tool post thread...

The fellow who makes this stuff has a post he calls the 'baby bear' that if you ask nicely via email or telephone he may send you plans. Otherwise his MLA-23 tool post may work for you.

You can check the height you need by placing a sharp pointed tool in the chuck making sure the tip is centered. Remove the tool post from your lathe. Position the compound so the area the tool post rides on is in front of the sharp tip. Take a block of scrap metal and set it on top the compound at the TP mounting point. Use the tip of the tool to scribe a line on the block. Measure how high the line is from the bottom of the block. That measurement is how low the tool holder must go to put the tip of a cutting tool on center. I'd wager that is a small measurement. My Rivett was only 5/8"

A QCTP is a great thing to have. Just be sure to get the right one.
good morning everyone
i just called enco the phaseII will fit butttt its made in china Cry.
A2Z is made in the USA Grin.
phase2 comes with knurling tool - 40$ 4a USA knurl at littlemachine which i problie wont use.
so i guess what i need to know is which is the best quality A2Z or phase2?

Apples and oranges
the Phase II is an import A2ZCNC Made in USA
Quality: probably not an issue both good to excellent.
Material: Phase II steel A2ZCNC aluminum.
IMHO a push style knurling tool puts a lot of strain on your late especially a small atlas Scissor style knurls put the strain on the tool and part.
Size your call bigger may not be better.
I would definitely put an A2Z CNC on my little 6" Craftman lathe over a AXA size.
I should add that I have other A2Z products and am very pleased with them. If you can get their TP for less than $90 shipped I'd say go that route.
90LX_Notch said:
A2Z also has a non anodized economy unit for 76.75 plus 8.75 shipping. You can order it direct from them. I did that almost a year ago and I am very pleased with it.
Thanks for the tip about the un-anodized tool post. I've bought from A2ZCNC in the past, and I've been very happy so far.
well i bit the bullet and went with the a2zcncon ebay.
thanks so much for the input everybody ;D.
here are a few photos of my new toy




Cute little lathe! Good choice on the tool holder.