I can't offer any help with the posting attachment problem but it sounds like it is fixed. I would really like to see the drawings. That is a really interesting looking valve/governor setup.
The Governor and Butterfly valve are linked together with this little link arm.
I've not drawn it up yet I was unclear of its shape or how to make it, I just did a few rough sketches then started to whittle a lump of steel down until I got something that worked.
I havn't done an assembly drawing yet showing how the three eliments link together, I think a side few would show it Best
Spent best part of today cleaning things up and slowly assembling the engine couldn't resist an how's it looking shot.
Rebuilt the engine and completed the governor pulleys, I've run it on the test base for over eight hours now and its runs sweet.
The governor sort of works found that the butterfly valve spindle is fouling the frame, and I think the return spring is too strong, so that will be stripped down and I'll do a bit of experimenting, when I've got it fitted to a new hardwood base.
Here's a few beauty pics to be going on with, I'll post a video when I get it on the new base.