Hi Rod
I Downloaded your Rotary Table 10 program but get an Error message when Verifying sketch, Error:
Temp1_RotaryTable10.zip\RotaryTable10\RotaryTable10.ino:1:23: fatal error: BoolField.h: No such file or directory
#include <BoolField.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling.
I get the same thing, I clicked the Rotarytable10.ino . Doesn't load the library BoolField.h Any ideas?
Please read post #4 which explains why you are getting that error. Review the first post again as it tells you what to do. Also, when you get it going, be sure to modify the code as per the later bug fix on GoDivide()
I wish to thank you for this. I had been looking at creating something like this for my milling machine X axis.. Now I don't.
I've got it to compile and was surprised it actually compiled on a Arduino Pro board. 16mhz, using 98% of memory. I will however end up using possibly my Tau 32bit board instead. Got this from a kickstarter and it should be plenty fast enough to run this.
OK, found it ( took awhile )
Find where you keep your libraries and open the LCD folder, in it open the file LCD.cpp in notepad. Change the backlight pin from 3 to 10, save and close. That should be all you need to get the Sainsmart working with the Freetronics library.
See photo
View attachment 80579
Hi, I've been a bit busy for the past few days, but I tried the new script and the division seems to work perfectly now. I tried divisions 3, 21, 37, 61 and 360. All holes lined up.
I'll do some more testing later and I will write down the results but for now it seems that we have
Can you please give us the wiring diagram.
Code pls
I am new to the site so please excuse my noobness. First off, thank you for posting the code and making this project available to all. I am having an issue with getting the DIV to work correctly. When I select the number of divisions and press direction, the motor makes twelve full revolutions and stops. I am able to run CONT by holding the direction button down which stops when I release the button. I feel like I am close, but I must have a setting wrong somewhere. I am using a NEMA 34 motor with Arduino UNO with a SainSmart LCD shield, SainSmart Micro Stepper Driver with Pulse per rev is set at 5000 (I have tried all settings, and this seemed to sound the best) and I have tried all amp settings from 1 to 4.5 without any noticeable differences. I tried to change the settings on the LCD in setup to reflect the pins I used on the Arduino (2 and 3) where the DIR will change to 3, but the Steps revert back to 1 even when I change it and choose Save =Yes. Thank you for any help you can offer.
Shehan, just like learning to use a lathe or mill, you take 'baby step' with Arduino. Look for a tutorial on using the UNO with the LCD display and keyboard. This will initiate your understanding of the wire connections between the UNO and any of the many devices that can be connected. Have you done the very first Arduino sketch that blinks a LED on the UNO board? Some copies (of the UNO) do not have that LED installed. The next sketch is the same, but with an external LED and resistor. This is a needed 'stepping stone' to understand what Arduino is about and the coding that the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides to enable non computer science, electrical engineers the ability to use microcontrollers.Can you tell me about pin connections.
I am new to this field