good afternoon
i wanted to know which programs are absolutely free
I have used the non-commercial version of fusion 360 but it only lets me make 10 sketches.
my only preference is that they are completely free.
free and easy to use
First off: Have you done a search for free cad packages? Open Source CAD packages? You will get lots of hits, everything from clickbait to completely open and unrestricted cad packages of varying quality and capability.
The BIG hole in the free / open source world is quality CAM, although perhaps the latest FreeCAD may have filled that in, haven't had a free day to go play with it and see how it stacks up. This is based on needing to run machine tools in a conventional CNC sort of manner. The world is full of slicers for 3D stuff, and the router world has quite a few good free options. For running lasers in the small shop Lightburn is about the best game in town.
You haven't specified your OS. Other than purely web based packages, odds are you will have your choice of operating system opening up or eliminating many options. I have a few windows machines in spite of being a linux bigot. Alibre, virtual synthesizers / VST's / amp and cabinet modelers, tax software, on1Photo Raw, Lightburn (linux support discontinued as of release 2.x) and RC flight simulators simply make windows a necessity for the applications I want to use. There just are not open source options that I like as well, or in my opinion that are as good in ease of use or quality. In some cases there just are no even make excuses and fight your way through open source alternatives at all. Hurts to say it, but I'd rather be pragmatic than be one of those insufferable one and only one true way jerks. A wonderful app that is a joy to use on an irksome OS beats a lousy app on a wonderful OS.
Here are few options to have a peek at:
Free and easy? Tinkercad. Web based, increasingly capable, not just a LEGO like bunch of blocks any longer. About the only one I'd call "easy", and it still can trip you up.
Free with no restrictions? Freecad for parametric 3D CAD, LibreCAD for 2D. There are some others, do a google search. I had a lot of hassles with Freecad years ago and gave up on it, bought Alibre. FreeCAD has released an actual 1.x release level package after many years, I've heard that it actually works, many of the big issues have been resolved, and at least some of the often used workbenches have similar if not fully consistent behavior.
Free but with varying restrictions: Onshape, Fusion360 Hobby, NanoCAD. Many others, often in various forms of the old "Hey Kid! First one's free!" school of marketing. As you have seen over the years, Autodesk is particularly skilled at this game. They've been playing it since BEFORE there was such a thing as IBM PC Compatible. Used to run it on a Heath/Zentih (IIRC) H100 desktop almost half a century ago. Yup, even then they would change the terms on you.
Cheap, not free : Solidworks light and fluffy "makers" edition. $25 on sale. Maybe harsh, when solidworks dropped their EAA deal and brought out the "makers" edition the marketing was so gee whiz fluffy cutesy "Look at me! I'm a MAKER! Squeal with glee" multicultural diverse cliche cliche after cliche I darn near puked a few times before I could figure out just what the heck it really was. Biff and Babs flirting by the glowforge sort of feel. Seems they actually have something sort of useful, but nobody I know is using it and you just don't hear anyone singing it's praises on any of the forums. All my partners in crime are either full on Solidworks or Alibre folks for the most part, the retired guys who used to get full Solidworks via the EAA membership tended to go to Alibre for purely financial reasons. If you happen to a veteran, both brands have good to excellent pricing for you.
Two paid but not insanely expensive possibilities:
Real CAD at a decent you own it and it never expires price: Alibre Atom
A decent 2D DRAWING program with good CAM - Vectric Cut2D. Lowest cost version of the Vectric software. I've used VCarve Pro for years, but it's far from free. I all capped drawing as it is not in any way a technical cad package, it's for folks using routers for wood work. Different mindset to teh software, different market. But still very good software.
For a different sort of object creation, there are good free organic sculpting packages: Blender or Sculpt3D. Neither one is a technical cad, but worth knowing about. Nomad on a larger android tablet with a good stylus is excellent. Wings3D is well liked by many. Blender has some add ons that make it more useful for technical CAD but I haven't tried them out, blender is already insanely complex for a mere mortal like me.
"Easy" is actually the biggest stumbling item in your request, I find some things easy others find hard, and struggle to do what others find trivial. If you use a CAD package regularly you will eventually find it easy or at least consistent and know the magic keyboard shortcuts no matter which package you use.