3rd attempt at Steam Chest. But I won't keep you in suspense. It was successful and I'm pretty pleased with it.
A few interesting problems that had to be worked out. The instructions weren't the clearest in this area...I'll point them out when I get to the pics. Many thanks to 'beerless' one for his help and answering my many questions.
First issue was supporting the part while drilling the four corner clearance holes. Instructions showed parallels...but if they weren't thin enough...the drill would hit them. So I used two tall parallels in the center, a bit of foam, and a shorter parallel at each side. Then made sure I didn't drill too far.
The instructions 'put aside' the steam chest at three different points in the process. I couldn't figure out why. They were doing the cover and porting plate. After I did the clearance holes I realized it would have made it easier to do the 3 parts in sequence and use a vise stop. All three parts have holes in the same place so it would have meant less edge finding and more accuracy.
Next issue was the through pocket. Same problem as before with support. The parallels would be in the way. So I shimmed the sides by .063 (combination of shims gave me the same offset on both). 'Beerless' one is wanting me to mill a step in my vise or to make some soft jaws with a step in them. Sounds like a good idea. That would have solved this too.
These are the corner holes for the pocket...
Milled the pocket. This caused a lack of oxygen due to my holding my breath a lot. I plunged cut around the pocket (slightly undersize) and then did a finish pass.
No pic of the side hole and threading. Used a 1/4" collet to hold the tapping tool in the mill.
Then off to sanding. The result...
The pocket came out 2 or 3 undersized in width and within a thou of length. Similarly for the outer dimensions. The only question I have is whether I got into the tenon far enough with the drill.
So...feeling good...no new song. I hope this didn't make anyone flinch too much. :big:
Folks are arriving today for a week's stay...I doubt I'll get anything done.