While waiting for some goodies to arrive...I thought I could do the base...
This will be my first go at flycutting (other than the trial after I trammed the mill).
Naturally, I must include a boo-boo...er lesson.
1: I milled the edges.
2: Milled the notch.
3: Flycut.
4: Drilled and counterbored the holes.
I suspect the order of operations is wrong. In particular, drilling the holes was hampered by having the notch. I should have drilled, then flycut, then notched. If that is still wrong...please feel free to throw a tomato (or two...or three...).
Here it is after flycutting. At first I was worried because the cutter was cutting on only one side. But then I noticed that the whole part was not being cut because it wasn't yet perfectly flat. This is after the 2nd pass and I think I'm happy with the tram.
Here it is after drilling. 4 of the holes are counterbored. (Thanks Marv for the reference to the Enco counterbores.) I used layout dye and eye-balled with the center drill.
Here is is after sanding. I get somewhat impatient with sanding so it could have been better. On the other hand...I can't help but play with it so it's going to get dinged anyway. I have some polishing wheels for a drill and will try that later.
Overall...I'm pretty happy. Looking forward to the next 'lesson'.