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I tried several drip-style burners, and experimented with them for several years.
I could never get consistent operation out of any of them, and finally gave up trying to use drip-style burners.

There are those who use drip-style burners to melt iron routinely, and they love them.
Drip-style burners just don't have good fine control, and their operation seems to fluctuate much more than a siphon or pressure nozzle burner.

This is the gear pump rig I am building to use with the pressure nozzle burner.

I am not sure exactly where that fuel filter will end up, and I am still playing around with the gear pump support, but you get the idea.

The motor is larger than it needs to be.
I oversized it, to keep the load on it very low (for long life).
The motor is 1/3 horsepower.

This is the gear pump from a commercial fuel-oil burning heating unit.

It will operate at 1725 rpm, 100 psi, 7 gal/hr maximum output.
I will use it at 2.6 gal/hr, and return the balance of the 7 gal/hr to the fuel tank.



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I have never cast iron or aluminium but I am planning to. I looked at compressed air and decided it was not a practical option for me. I don't have the money or space for a compressor. I will be trying an electric pump, of the type used on domestic furnaces. I purchased mine from Aliexpress, but there are probably other sources.

I have attached the pump data sheet.

For air, I plan to try a small centrifugal fan.

I have also purchased a pressure nozzle, swirler and electric igniter.

Basically I aim to build a version of a standard domestic diesel heating burner. I did look at the option of buying a complete assembly, but liquid fuel burners are not used in this country and it was much cheaper to import the parts than import a complete burner.

I am a long way from completing a furnace so I can't report the results of this system. I think it should work but I really have no idea.



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A few more siphon-nozzle photos.
You can see there are small spin vanes built into the burner tip that spin the fuel, and the compressed air comes out the hole in the center of the tip.

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Here is the pressure nozzle arrangement.

I think the connect can be simplified.

I plan on using a needle valve in the return line, instead of the pressure-regulating-valve PRV.
Closing the needle valve forces 100% of the fuel flow out the nozzle tip, and no fuel flows in the bypass.

Opening the needle valve allows fuel flow in the bypass line, back to the fuel tank, and so the fuel output of the nozzle can be varied from very little up to its maximum rated amount.

Note that siphon and pressure nozzles both use the same adapter, but the nozzle types are not interchangeable due to the differences in how they operate.

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Thanks so much for sharing all of this! I am slowly working my way towards making a forge. I'd be interested in any details on how you made yours.

One thing that I think might be backwards - as I am understanding the diagram, it looks like it is the air that is swirling in the "vanes," and the fuel is coming out of the center hole. (I may just be reading the diagram incorrectly ...)
Thanks so much for sharing all of this! I am slowly working my way towards making a forge. I'd be interested in any details on how you made yours.

One thing that I think might be backwards - as I am understanding the diagram, it looks like it is the air that is swirling in the "vanes," and the fuel is coming out of the center hole. (I may just be reading the diagram incorrectly ...)
Edit: I think you are correct on the air swirling in the vanes. I get confused sometimes with all those passages in the adapter and nozzle.

You are welcome.
Some people make a forge, generally for heating steel that can then be hammered into shape, like blacksmithing, and a forge is generally a horizontal thing like a bread oven, open on one end.
For melting meltal, I use a crucible furnace, where the metal is melted in a container (crucible) inside the furnace, and when molten, the crucible is lifted out of the furnace and poured into a mold of some type.
Some people mix and match their equipment, and use their furnace as a forge, and use their forge as a horizontal furnace, so the terminology can get a bit confusing, LOL, but I have a furnace.

This was my second furnace build, and I wanted it to be able to handle multiple crucible sizes, and use a minimum of dense refractory.
This furnace uses 120 lbs of dense refractory on the hot face and lid, and then has a layer of insulating fire bricks, followed by two 1" layers of ceramic blanket.
I guess that two or three layers of ceramic blanket could be used instead of the insulating fire brick, but I used the fire bricks to give a bit more support to the 1" thick hot face.
The hot face is a product called Mizzou, and it has held up well.
Hot face does crack, but that can easily be repaired.
My hot face cracked into 4 pieces, but they were patched (with high temperature plastic refractory), and the 4 pieces remain solid and still work perfectly. Don't panic if your hot face cracks; this is normal.
If your hot face crumbles, then you should have used Mizzou, since some refractories don't hold up to iron temperatures well like Mizzou does, and do not have the temperature rating of Mizzou. I think Mizzou is rated at 3,000 F.

There is a layer of insulating fire bricks under the hot face, with a 1/2" layer of ceramic blanket on top of the fire bricks.

They also make non-insulating fire bricks, which are very hard and dense like cast refractory, and some just use a circle of standing hard fire bricks, sometimes two tall, as a hot face, and this actually works pretty well if you have some good hard fire bricks, but cutting the tuyere can be a bit tricky.
Some use hard fire bricks and leave out a half brick at the tuyere, and cast the tuyere in castable refractory, which is also a good option.

The stainless exterior remains cool to the touch at the end of the melt, except for around the tuyere and lid.

The tuyere is the hole that is near the bottom of the furnace, about level with the bottom of the crucible, where the burner enters the furnace.

Interior dimensions are 13" diameter, and 14" in height.
The crucible sits on a platform called a plinth (not shown below), and I use several of them of various heights depending on the crucible size.
The plinth is cast from dense refractory.
Two layers of heavy cardboard are needed under the crucible when you start a melt, so that the crucible does not adhere to the plinth.
The cardboard carbonizes and prevents sticking.

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Basically I aim to build a version of a standard domestic diesel heating burner. I did look at the option of buying a complete assembly, but liquid fuel burners are not used in this country and it was much cheaper to import the parts than import a complete burner.

I am a long way from completing a furnace so I can't report the results of this system. I think it should work but I really have no idea.
I have seem people use commercial heating units as a package on a furnace, but the packaged unit is a bit bulky, and the burner tube on it is really too large for most furnaces (perhaps a 4" burner tube, which could impinge flame on the side of the crucible and cause it to fail).

The components you have will definitely melt iron, but I will have to read that fuel pump spec, to see what pressure it produces.
I don't use an ignitor, since they protrude beyond the end of the burner tube.
Anything protruding beyond the end of the burner tube in an iron furnace will generally melt off.

I use a paper towel with a little diesel on it placed lit in the cold furnace, and then I turn on my fuel and compressed air at the same time, with the leaf blower dump valve open, and the leaf blower not running.
If you start with the combustion air on (combustion air is produced by the fan or in my case leaf blower), then you will generally flame out the burner when you first start it.
Once I have a flame going, I slowly close my combustion air dump valve, make sure the burner is running in a stable fashion, and then close the lid.
Never start a burner with the lid closed. One guy did that and he launched his lid over the top of his house (he was not an experienced person with burners).

I don't leave the burner running when I am not standing in the vicinity, and so I don't need an automatic flame-out protection (I am the flame-out protection).
What happens if the burner flames out while it is running?
Immediately turn off the fuel and compressed air ball valves that should be in a location that is easy to access quickly.
The only flame-outs I have had with my burner is when I was learning how to run it, and tried to start it with full combustion air.

I did have a flame out in one of my recent videos during start up, due to an excessively large piece of cardboard under the crucible disrupting the flame pattern, but I just turned off the compressed air and fuel, dropped another piece of lit paper towel in the furnace, and reopened the ball valves.
No big deal if you quickly turn off the air/fuel ball valves, but he have to do that immediately after a flame-out.

The end of the nozzle should be about 1/2" inside the end of the burner tube, and the burner tube should not protrude in any way into the furnace, else the burner tube will overheat.
The burner tube should be as far into the tuyere as you can get it without the tube actually protruding into the furnace, else you will spray fuel onto the walls of the tuyere and it will puddle in the bottom of the furnace, which is a dangerous situation.

The burner tube should be relatively tight in the tuyere, and if there is combustion air blowing past the burner tube and out of the furnace at the tuyere, this must be sealed, else you will overheat the burner tube and nozzle.

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I moved my videos over to Vimeo, and I use a fake name for privacy (thus the Raphael Mantegna name; I can tell immediately if I get spam where spam is coming from with that odd name).

Everyone should be able to access these Vimeo videos. Let me know if that is not the case.

Here is a video that shows a flame out of the burner at startup, due to the cardboard under the pinth protruding out too much.
I just turn off the air/fuel, and start over.

And here is a normal burner start, which only takes a few seconds.
Some recommend ramping up the burner slowly, but I go to full power immediately, and this has not caused any apparent problems with crucible life, etc.
Be sure to wear a full face shield; don't get lazy like I did and wear glasses only.
And note that the paper towel flies out of the furnace, and comes floating down dangerously close to the fuel line.
Keep any eye on the paper towel and don't let it catch something on fire as it flies out.

I leave my furnace outdoors all the time, and my cover is not as good as it should be, so the ceramic blanket at the burner tube tends to get wet, which can cause the smoking which can be seen in some of the videos (the smoke is actually steam).

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Basically I aim to build a version of a standard domestic diesel heating burner.
For a foundry burner, I use separate ball valves for compressed air and diesel, and then I use a needle valve for fine fuel adjustment.
I calibrate the fuel flow with the burner off using a measuring cup and a stopwatch, and use about 2.6 gal/hr for my furnace size.

I adjust the combustion air flow to match this 2.6 gal/hr fuel flow rate, to give the approximate flame out the furnace lid that you see in my videos, using the variable speed on the leaf blower. I also use the large PVC dump valve on the leaf blower output to allow me to turn on the combustion air slowly while the leaf blower is running.
It just so happens that a Toro leaf blower on its lowest speed is the exact amount of combustion air I need for my 2.6 gal/hr, and so I operate with my dump valve closed.
I have used burners with a combustion air damper (sometimes on the intake of the combustion air fan, and sometimes on the output in a 3-way configuration), and you can run a blower at 100% and control the combustion air via the damper.

Once I set up my 2.6 gal/hr fuel flow, I never adjust my needle valve again, unless I happen to bump it out of position or something.
I never adjust my burner during a melt, ever, and that is why I like this burner/pressurized fuel tank arrangement.

A pressure nozzle arrangement will be sightly different than a siphon nozzle setup, in that I guess at startup you just turn on the gear pump.
It may require a slight amount of combustion air flowing with a pressure nozzle, since the compressed air that the siphon nozzle burner used to initially start and run will not be present.

For my pressure nozzle burner, I will probably use two ball valves in the return line, and have have one ball valve with a series needle valve preconfigured to give me 2.6 gal/hr, and other ball valve with needle valve to give me some small amount of fuel flow for when I start the burner, perhaps 1 gal/hr.

I have not run a pressure nozzle yet, but it is a well established technology, and I have no doubt it will work well, and thus I can retire my air compressor.

Another benefit of diesel is that it will easily light and burn at a wide range of temperatures, and I have lit diesel with a siphon nozzle down to about 36 F with no problems. If it gets too cold, some sort of fuel warming arrangement may be needed, but at the temperatures I see, I can light straight diesel easily.

I have heard that 100% waste oil may not light easily, and so some mix in 15-20% diesel, and sometimes heat the waste oil a bit (I don't heat fuel for any reason, but some do).
When I think back on how I figured out how to do iron, several things come to mind.

1. There are a lot of opinions on how to build the best burner and furnace for a hobby setting.

2. There are "burner" folks, "ingot" folks, professional talkers, book writers, professional video makers, etc.
Many/most have their own pet favorite methods and materials, and things/methods that work best for their situation, based on exactly what it is they are trying to achieve.
Some folks just want to have fun doing whatever, and that is what it is all about in life in general I think, but for me, I make small steam engines, and so that is my focus.

3. While there is some general agreement in the hobby crowd these days about what works and what does not work, there are still gray areas where there is not a consensus about what works best.

4. Success with a foundry often depends on whether you can source the special materials that are required for a foundry.
It is easy to find good clay-graphite crucibles for sale (Morgan Salamander are my prefrence).
It is more difficult to find castable refractory, and the trend these days is to make furnaces using ceramic blanket coated with a high temperature material.

5. Since I wanted to cast steam engine parts, I started watching various people online who were doing a lot of cast iron work.
One individual was in Texas, and he was routinely pouring a #70 crucible full of iron, with what appeared to be a very high success rate.
The Texas individual used a Delavan siphon-nozzle burner with waste oil, and some sort of combustion air blower (leaf blower perhaps?).

The other individual was and still is in Australia, and he uses a coated ceramic blanket furnace design, with a drip-style waste oil burner.

Both individuals cast a lot of iron successfully, using different burner and furnace styles.

6. I used the Texas-style furnace and burner style for a few reasons; I consider a rigid cast refractory furnace hot face more durable in the long term than a coated ceramic blanket style furnace, and I could never get a drip-style burner to control properly, so I selected a siphon-nozzle type burner.

7. I started with Petrobond (tm) style oil-based sand, and used that for a while.
I was getting too much sand failure when I tried to use Petrobond with iron, and I noticed that the "art-iron" community (the folks who use cupolas to create iron sculptures) used bound sand, which was often resin-bound sand.
I tried resin-bound sand, and a commercial (very dry) foundry sand (OK85), and I I would never use anything else.

Resin-binder is not easy to source, not cheap if you can find it, and a good industrial respirator is required to filter out the fumes that it creates.
Many of the professional foundries use resin-bound sand, and it will provide consistent and quality castings if you do your molds correctly.
With a ceramic mold coat sprayed onto resin-bound sand, the surface finish is superb, and a bright clean shiny surface finish can be obtained with a light swipe of a dry paintbrush.

8. For every good burner design I have seen "good being it functions well over a long period of time with little or no problems", there are other burner designs that are either a very poor design, or downright dangerous, with "poor design" being defined as a burner that needs constant adjustment during the melt, burners that won't hold a constant setting and surge a lot, burners that impinge a lot of heat on the burner tube, which will cause a number of problems, burners that require multiple fuels to operate (generally oil and propane), etc.

Drip burners are the simplest burners of all, and have a proven track record, but I could never get any of my drip designs to work.
I opted to use a siphon-nozzle burner with an increase in complexity, with the benefit that it did not need a propane start/warmup, if set up correctly it never needs adjustment either before, after or during a melt, and the control of a siphon nozzle is immediate and precise.
I can use a siphon nozzle over a wide range of heats, but generally always operate mine at 2.6 gal/hr on diesel, regardless of the metal type.

9. The final hurdle was to find individuals who produces iron castings that not only looked very good, but were also easily machinable, with no voids, gas holes, inclusions, hard spots (called chills), etc.
I discovered ferrosilicon, and a tiny amount of that added after the final skim, and just before pouring the iron makes for some very fluid iron that machines like a dream. Note that iron castings must be left in the mold overnight to cool slowly, to prevent chills and hard spots.
Any more than a slight amount of ferrosilicon and your will have excessive shrinkage, which is prone to hot tears in the metal, and unusable castings.

10. I built a modular furnace, ie: the 1" cast refractory hotface shell is not physically bonded to anything else, and so it can be replaced without having to replace any other part of the furnace. Most folks I see cast their refractory right up against insulating fire bricks or other material, and when the hot face is replaced, the entire furnace has to be chiseled out.

11. And one more iron secret it the material called "plastic refractory".
Plastic refractory is basically a pre-mixed refractory that has the consistency of stiff putty.
A high-temperature (I use 3,800 F plastic refractory) plastic refractory is worth its weight in gold when it comes time to repair a hot face, or when repairing a domed furnace lid. I use a domed furnace lid so that when the refractory cracks (all refractory cracks), it will still be self-supporting, like a Roman arch.
Plastic refractory is also not easy to source.
If I had to do over, I would roll out a thin layer of 1/2" thick 3,800 F plastic refractory into a sheet, and roll it into a cylinder, to use as a hot face.

So in summary, if you want to cast metal, I would recommend finding someone who is casting the things you intend to cast, in the metal that you intend to use, and someone who is having a high success rate with their castings, and copy their materials, methods and techniques.
I often use a hybrid of methods and materials, and there are many ways to accomplish casting metal.

Generally I use the simplest methods and equipment I can find that will produce consistent high-quality casting results.
The cheapest initial cost materials and equipment are often not the least expensive in the long run, so you have to decide if you want to just dabble a bit in metal casting on a casual hobby level, or get in the hobby for the long term with some ambitious and repeatable casting designs.

Making professional-grade gray iron castings in the backyard is entirely possible; not necessarily cheap, and there is a learning curve, but the castings can easily rival professionally made iron parts if you do your homework and use the right materials.

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"My" swirler is about 7.5cm diameter so I think it should be OK. I will make the burner tube longer than a commercial unit.
The igniter is part of the swirler so well away from the flame.
My blower runs at a constant speed so the plan is to have a tube valve sliding over the exterior of the burner tube. The tube valve would regulate air flow by how much it covers holes in the burner tube. Surplus air would bleed to atmosphere before it reaches the fuel.
I plan to regulate fuel flow by selecting a nozzle with the right flow rate.
If I have problems with fuel/air ratio, the plan is to fit an automotive Lamda sensor to the exhaust. The Chinese versions are cheap as.
I have no plans to burn waste oil. Diesel only for consistency and ease of handling.
I have seen problems with cracking cast refractory lining. I am going to use my 3D printer to produce molds of shaped interlocked bricks about 100mm long, 50mm high, 25mm deep. This will reduce the weight and cost. The bricks will create controlled cracks that will allow for thermal expansion. I will be able to modify/repair the lining without building a new furnace.
The lining will be backed with suitable fibre insulation. I also plan to include layers of reflective aluminium foil type insulation to reduce infra-red radiant heat loss.
I am aiming to reduce the exterior temperature of the furnace to make it touch safe, where practical.

I am trying to figure out how to use the furnace exhaust to pre-heat iron before it goes into top up the crucible.

I think broken down cast iron engine blocks would be a good source of high quality machinable material, but I have not seen this source mentioned on the web.

The best quality industry casting facilities use crucibles with a bottom feed to avoid pouring the slag floating on the top. Completely impractical for the home foundry. I have been wondering if a stainless steel guide could be slipped down inside the pouring side of the crucible to draw flow from the bottom of the crucible while holding back the slag on the surface. Easy to make, easy to try. I have never seen such a device, so maybe it is a really bad idea.

Just my thoughts backed by nil practical experience.

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I think the product that I found is called "VelaCoat", and it is alcohol-based.
I am not aware of a dry product, but I have never asked anyone if they sold that either, and that would be a good idea, and cheaper to ship.
I am not sure if ceramic mold coat would work on green sand (greensand being clay and sand mixture).
I use resin-bound sand, and so the mold sets and becomes hard, thus making it impervious to spraying on the ceramic mold coat and burner off the alcohol.

I tried alcohol and graphite many years ago with petrobond (tm) sand, and that was an absolute disaster.
I have not tried ceramic mold coat with greensand, and I don't use greensand.


VelvaCoat from ASK Chemicals LP
495 Metro Place South
Suite 250 Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: +1 800 848 7485
Fax: +1 614 761 1741
[email protected]

Download their PDF catalog which includes water-based products;

Good luck,
When I think back on how I figured out how to do iron, several things come to mind.

1. There are a lot of opinions on how to build the best burner and furnace for a hobby setting.

2. There are "burner" folks, "ingot" folks, professional talkers, book writers, professional video makers, etc.
Many/most have their own pet favorite methods and materials, and things/methods that work best for their situation, based on exactly what it is they are trying to achieve.
Some folks just want to have fun doing whatever, and that is what it is all about in life in general I think, but for me, I make small steam engines, and so that is my focus.

3. While there is some general agreement in the hobby crowd these days about what works and what does not work, there are still gray areas where there is not a consensus about what works best.

4. Success with a foundry often depends on whether you can source the special materials that are required for a foundry.
It is easy to find good clay-graphite crucibles for sale (Morgan Salamander are my prefrence).
It is more difficult to find castable refractory, and the trend these days is to make furnaces using ceramic blanket coated with a high temperature material.

5. Since I wanted to cast steam engine parts, I started watching various people online who were doing a lot of cast iron work.
One individual was in Texas, and he was routinely pouring a #70 crucible full of iron, with what appeared to be a very high success rate.
The Texas individual used a Delavan siphon-nozzle burner with waste oil, and some sort of combustion air blower (leaf blower perhaps?).

The other individual was and still is in Australia, and he uses a coated ceramic blanket furnace design, with a drip-style waste oil burner.

Both individuals cast a lot of iron successfully, using different burner and furnace styles.

6. I used the Texas-style furnace and burner style for a few reasons; I consider a rigid cast refractory furnace hot face more durable in the long term than a coated ceramic blanket style furnace, and I could never get a drip-style burner to control properly, so I selected a siphon-nozzle type burner.

7. I started with Petrobond (tm) style oil-based sand, and used that for a while.
I was getting too much sand failure when I tried to use Petrobond with iron, and I noticed that the "art-iron" community (the folks who use cupolas to create iron sculptures) used bound sand, which was often resin-bound sand.
I tried resin-bound sand, and a commercial (very dry) foundry sand (OK85), and I I would never use anything else.

Resin-binder is not easy to source, not cheap if you can find it, and a good industrial respirator is required to filter out the fumes that it creates.
Many of the professional foundries use resin-bound sand, and it will provide consistent and quality castings if you do your molds correctly.
With a ceramic mold coat sprayed onto resin-bound sand, the surface finish is superb, and a bright clean shiny surface finish can be obtained with a light swipe of a dry paintbrush.

8. For every good burner design I have seen "good being it functions well over a long period of time with little or no problems", there are other burner designs that are either a very poor design, or downright dangerous, with "poor design" being defined as a burner that needs constant adjustment during the melt, burners that won't hold a constant setting and surge a lot, burners that impinge a lot of heat on the burner tube, which will cause a number of problems, burners that require multiple fuels to operate (generally oil and propane), etc.

Drip burners are the simplest burners of all, and have a proven track record, but I could never get any of my drip designs to work.
I opted to use a siphon-nozzle burner with an increase in complexity, with the benefit that it did not need a propane start/warmup, if set up correctly it never needs adjustment either before, after or during a melt, and the control of a siphon nozzle is immediate and precise.
I can use a siphon nozzle over a wide range of heats, but generally always operate mine at 2.6 gal/hr on diesel, regardless of the metal type.

9. The final hurdle was to find individuals who produces iron castings that not only looked very good, but were also easily machinable, with no voids, gas holes, inclusions, hard spots (called chills), etc.
I discovered ferrosilicon, and a tiny amount of that added after the final skim, and just before pouring the iron makes for some very fluid iron that machines like a dream. Note that iron castings must be left in the mold overnight to cool slowly, to prevent chills and hard spots.
Any more than a slight amount of ferrosilicon and your will have excessive shrinkage, which is prone to hot tears in the metal, and unusable castings.

10. I built a modular furnace, ie: the 1" cast refractory hotface shell is not physically bonded to anything else, and so it can be replaced without having to replace any other part of the furnace. Most folks I see cast their refractory right up against insulating fire bricks or other material, and when the hot face is replaced, the entire furnace has to be chiseled out.

11. And one more iron secret it the material called "plastic refractory".
Plastic refractory is basically a pre-mixed refractory that has the consistency of stiff putty.
A high-temperature (I use 3,800 F plastic refractory) plastic refractory is worth its weight in gold when it comes time to repair a hot face, or when repairing a domed furnace lid. I use a domed furnace lid so that when the refractory cracks (all refractory cracks), it will still be self-supporting, like a Roman arch.
Plastic refractory is also not easy to source.
If I had to do over, I would roll out a thin layer of 1/2" thick 3,800 F plastic refractory into a sheet, and roll it into a cylinder, to use as a hot face.

So in summary, if you want to cast metal, I would recommend finding someone who is casting the things you intend to cast, in the metal that you intend to use, and someone who is having a high success rate with their castings, and copy their materials, methods and techniques.
I often use a hybrid of methods and materials, and there are many ways to accomplish casting metal.

Generally I use the simplest methods and equipment I can find that will produce consistent high-quality casting results.
The cheapest initial cost materials and equipment are often not the least expensive in the long run, so you have to decide if you want to just dabble a bit in metal casting on a casual hobby level, or get in the hobby for the long term with some ambitious and repeatable casting designs.

Making professional-grade gray iron castings in the backyard is entirely possible; not necessarily cheap, and there is a learning curve, but the castings can easily rival professionally made iron parts if you do your homework and use the right materials.

Again many thanks - all very helpful posts. You mention that some materials are hard to source; can you share where you have found the hot face refractory (I could not find anything with a brand name Mizzou?) or the ferrosilicate? (I did find a couple of on-line sources for plastic refractory.)
VelvaCoat from ASK Chemicals LP
495 Metro Place South
Suite 250 Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: +1 800 848 7485
Fax: +1 614 761 1741
[email protected]

Download their PDF catalog which includes water-based products;

Good luck,
Thanks for the info.
ASK Chemical also makes the brand of resin-binder that I use, which is LINOCURE.
It is a 3-part product, with a resin, hardener, and catalyst, and it is very popular in the art-iron communities because once it sets, it can be carved into an infinite number of shapes to create artwork in iron.
It does require an industrial/chemical-rated respirator when you are mixing and ramming it.

And the sand must be very dry, which is why I use OK85, which is a fine grain sand made for foundry use that has a very low moisture content.
If you use sand with any appreciable moisture in it with resin-binder, the binder will not work.

I sent these castings off to my buddy (the one who made the patterns), and he final machined them.
Turned out pretty well for a first-time straight edge attempt I think.

Machined easily with no hard spots.

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I am following your foundry work with a lot of interest and great appreciation. I started casting aluminum a couple of years ago for my engine models which you can see here. Porsche 917 flat 12 engine
I would like to cast iron but my gas furnace does not reach the required temperature. I kindly take advantage of your experience to ask you for some advice : how did you make the Diesel burner, nozzle size, pressure, air blowing, etc?
What coating did you use in your furnace to withstand the temperatures needed to melt cast iron? . For my furnace I used ceramic fiber, but over 900/1000 degrees centigrade it starts burn.
Last 3 question, what% of sodium silicate do you use in the sand ?
I have a sticking and breaking problems to the molds, is there a release agent to avoid this?
Ceramic mold coating, can you tell me some brand of this product?
thank you very much
"My" swirler is about 7.5cm diameter so I think it should be OK. I will make the burner tube longer than a commercial unit.
The igniter is part of the swirler so well away from the flame.
My blower runs at a constant speed so the plan is to have a tube valve sliding over the exterior of the burner tube. The tube valve would regulate air flow by how much it covers holes in the burner tube. Surplus air would bleed to atmosphere before it reaches the fuel.
I plan to regulate fuel flow by selecting a nozzle with the right flow rate.
If I have problems with fuel/air ratio, the plan is to fit an automotive Lamda sensor to the exhaust. The Chinese versions are cheap as.
I have no plans to burn waste oil. Diesel only for consistency and ease of handling.
I have seen problems with cracking cast refractory lining. I am going to use my 3D printer to produce molds of shaped interlocked bricks about 100mm long, 50mm high, 25mm deep. This will reduce the weight and cost. The bricks will create controlled cracks that will allow for thermal expansion. I will be able to modify/repair the lining without building a new furnace.
The lining will be backed with suitable fibre insulation. I also plan to include layers of reflective aluminium foil type insulation to reduce infra-red radiant heat loss.
I am aiming to reduce the exterior temperature of the furnace to make it touch safe, where practical.

I am trying to figure out how to use the furnace exhaust to pre-heat iron before it goes into top up the crucible.

I think broken down cast iron engine blocks would be a good source of high quality machinable material, but I have not seen this source mentioned on the web.

The best quality industry casting facilities use crucibles with a bottom feed to avoid pouring the slag floating on the top. Completely impractical for the home foundry. I have been wondering if a stainless steel guide could be slipped down inside the pouring side of the crucible to draw flow from the bottom of the crucible while holding back the slag on the surface. Easy to make, easy to try. I have never seen such a device, so maybe it is a really bad idea.

Just my thoughts backed by nil practical experience.

1. Some folks use a very short burner tube, such as 12" long, and often put gauges and such right on the burner tube.
If the tuyere ever leaks hot gasses, then anything near the tuyere, such as gauges or anything else, will melt.
The tuyere will leak sooner or later; that is a given.
I use a 2.5" diameter burner tube either in stainless steel, or sometimes muffler pipe, which works pretty well too.
It is difficult to fit the adapter with its fuel elbow on the side into a pipe that is smaller than 2.5" diameter.

2. Some use spin vanes near the end of their burner tube, and some do not.
I have tried both, and can't tell any difference, so generally I do not use spin vanes in the burner tube.
A commercial heating unit burner is discharging into a large combustion chamber, but for a foundry furnace, you are discharging into a space that immediately swirls around a round chamber, and so probably the reason a spin vane may not have an effect when used with a furnace.

3. It is easy to use a constant speed blower, and your idea sounds like it would work.
And it does not take a very large blower either. My leaf blower is really overkill, and I run it on its lowest speed.
I have seen large hair dryers melt iron too, when used for combustion air, but they many not last very long.
The leaf blower is pretty rugged, which is why I use it.
I would guess you could use 100% of the output of that blower, without having to damper it, depending on your exact furnace size.

4. Anything that I have seen inserted into the exhaust of an iron furnace gets melted off, including steel, which will eventually melt off.
I tried a temperature sensor on the outside of my hot face, and those thermocouples burned up. They were rated maybe 2100 F.
Don't underestimate how hot the exhaust stream will be.
When you first bend over (with a full face shield and glasses) and try to look into the furnace lid opening, when melting iron, you will see what I am talking about (your plastic face shield will start melting in a few seconds.
I use a piece of tempered glass (old refrigerator shelf) as a shield, holding it in front of my face shield at an angle, to give me maybe 30 seconds of looking into the furnace.

5. The way I figured out fuel-air flow is to operate the furnace at night in total darkness, and try various fuel flows, each time adjusting the combustion air to get a 6" flame out the furnace lid. The fuel/air setting that produced the brightest luminance inside the furnace was about 2.6 gal/hr., and after I discovered that flow level, I compared notes with others doing iron work, and found that for the same size furnace, they were using an almost identical fuel flow level.

6. All refractory cracks, and that is normal.
As long as it does not crumble, then it can easily be patched.
I fill in small cracks every time I run my furnace, and if you fill in the cracks immediately after they occur, then that seems to slow down the propagation of the cracks.
Cracks that are not filled will let a high temperature stream of hot gas get behind the hot face, and that can cause a lot of damage to the ceramic blanket.
Some commercial furnaces use modular curved pieces like you are talking about making, and so that is a valid design it would seem.
If you have plastic refractory to use for repair, then the whole crack thin is very minor regardless of how the hot face it built.

I have seen one furnace build from leggo-style individually cast refractory curved blocks, but they made the blocks about 4" thick, which is way too much mass for a furnace.

You may have to back up individually cast pieces with something rigid, such as insulating fire brick, since the joints can be a point of failure.
Staggering the joints would probably solve this problem.

7. The aluminum foil is not a bad idea, but be aware, the back of my hot face is probably not much cooler than the face of my hotface, and so the foil would have to be behind enough layers of ceramic blanket to prevent melting the foil.
Iron furnaces run extremely hot.
8. I like to keep the exterior of the furnace (I use a stainless sheet metal shell) cool to the touch.
It is as much about preventing contact burns as it is about efficiency.
A furnace that is cool to the touch on the exterior is not wasting energy.
The idea is to keep the heat inside the furnace, not radiate it off the exterior wall.

9. There are two schools of thought on preheating the scrap iron in the exhaust of a furnace.
Initially I preheated my scrap by setting the iron on the lid and letting it protrude into the exhaust opening.
A few years ago, I ran across the MIFCO furnace manual, and it mentioned never preheating iron scrap in the exhaust stream, due to the excessive oxidation it causes.
So I no longer put scrap iron on the lid of the furnace to preheat it.
I hold each piece of scrap iron (using tongs) in the exhaust stream for perhaps 30 seconds (depending on the size of the scrap piece), and then drop it into the crucible.
The added scrap must be pushed under the surface of the molten pool of iron in the crucible, to break up the slag, else the slag will get very dense and hard, and will become unmanageable.
MIFCO also mentions that scrap with any moisture on it will cause an explosion when it drops into the crucible.
All scrap iron and steel has moisture on its surface, but you cannot see it.
A dry steel ingot mold is not dry, and if you pour hot iron into an ingot mold without first heating it to perhaps 500 F, it will eject the iron right back into your face (I have 3rd degree burn scars on my hands from doing this, where molten iron splashed back onto my leather jacket, and then rolled down inside my gloves. You can't get gloves off fast enough when you have molten iron in them.


There is a section in the MIFCO manual listed above titled "Melting Gray Cast Iron", and several things mentioned in there I do not agree with, and I have proven this information to be false for me, perhaps because I am using an oil burner, not the MIFCO natural gas burner.
MIFCO says cast iron engine blocks and other iron machinery should not be used, but I have used many types of iron machinery scrap including machinery, and it makes excellent defect-free castings.
I have also used pure Class 40 gray iron, and it worked very well too, but no better than scrap machinery iron.
What I have heard is to not use any iron that has phosphorus in it, such as thin castings like bathtubs, radiators, etc. I think due to mechanical weakness of the castings.
Window sash weights in the US are junk metal and should not be used.
If I can break a piece of gray cast iron with a sledge hammer and get a nice clean consistent rough gray surface, I use it for scrap.

MIFCO also says that either clay graphite or silicon carbide crucibles can be used with iron, but the Morgan information sheets only list the clay-graphite "Salamander-Super" for ferrous metal, rated for iron temperatures.
The Morgan silicon carbide crucibles are not iron rated, and have a much lower operating temperature that would not necessarily be usable at iron temperatures.

And I don't add carbon to my melt, and have never had a problem with not adding that.

Don't confuse the MIFCO burner diagrams for an oil burner.
Natural gas and propane burners are not the same as oil burners (similar, but not the same).

I don't use drains in the bottom of my furnace.
I have never broken a crucible inside my furnace, but if I did, I would just turn the furnace on its side and operate it with the burner until the metal melted and ran out.
If you use good quality crucibles and don't use them beyond their life, then you should not see a broken crucible.
People break crucibles when they jam metal into them cold, and the metal expands and cracks the crucible, or they force too much scrap into a crucible, and crack it.

10. If your furnace and burner are operating correctly, then a 5/16" diameter steel rod used to stir iron when it is at pour temperature (perhaps 2,500-2,600 F, or maybe a little higher; I can't measure it since it melts the end off of a submersion pyrometer) will melt its submersed end off after about 30 seconds of stiring.
Anything you insert into the molten metal must be preheated to at least 500 F or more, else you could eject the metal from the crucible.

The only way I am aware of to handle the slag is to skim it off with a skimmer that has a heat shield on it.
Some have mentioned using vermiculite to get the slag to gather into a ball, but I don't use that, since if you did not get all the vermiculite out of the crucible, then that can cause inclusion defects in the casting.

Everyone I know who does iron just skims the slag at the last moment before the pour.
I skim slag, add ferrosilicon, stir, quickly skim any remaining slag, and then immediately pour.
I leave the crucible in the furnace during the slagging and adding ferrosilicon, since the metal will drop below pour temperature extremely rapidly after the crucible is removed from the furnace.

I am told that sooting the end of the skimmer will help prevent slag buildup on the end of the skimmer.
I just strike my skimmer on a piece of metal to clear it after each scoop of slag, and between melts I break the slag off the skimmer with a hammer.

I am following your foundry work with a lot of interest and great appreciation. I started casting aluminum a couple of years ago for my engine models which you can see here. Porsche 917 flat 12 engine
Wow, that is a fantastic build thread, and it is going to take me a while to read that (I am new here), but rest assured I will read every word of it.
I will answer your questions, but it will take a bit to do that.

My current siphon nozzle burner that uses diesel is similar to this one, except I don't use propane, and I don't need propane to light the burner with diesel.
I tried propane on the very first burner I made, and the propane accumulated in the burner tube, backfired, and burned my hand.
Since then I have never tried to mix an oil burner with propane, and I don't consider that arrangement as safe as I would want it to be (burned hand as an example).
I angle my combustion air entry tube into the main burner tube.
I don't use a spin vane.

I will post a few photos of one of my burners, in a minute, and try to get to your other questions.
There is much to do and read here.

I am trying to learn how to make ductile iron, so I can make crankshafts.
Regular gray iron is not suppose to be strong enough for a crankshaft.

There are free programs online which will plot a template for mating two burner tubes at an angle, and this is what I used to make my latest burner tube.
I have used both stainless tubes, and muffler pipe, all at 2.5" diameter, and either works well if you can well thin metal (I can using the lowest setting on my stick welder).
