Do you remember what he use for calculating the dead reckoning?40 years ago when we were sailing in the windward islands with a skipper on a 44 footer we went to go scuba diving on a sunken British (wooden) gunboat. We were at least 3/4 mile out from the nearest island and in 6ft swells. Our skipper told my brother to get ready to drop anchor when he said. We bobbed along with him him at the wheel looking (sighting) here on this island, there on that island then eventually he said "DROP ANCHOR". He said "the boat should be somewhere in the area down there". We donned our scuba suits, went in and followed the anchor line down. The damn line was wrapped around the bow of the boat. I was blown away by his "Dead Reckoning".
Later that trip walking on the north side beach of Pitite St Vincent I had the crap scared out of me so bad I hit the deck when suddenly, and with no advance warning, over the mountain an American Apache attack helicopter came screaming down 20ft over my head and headed out 6ft over the water off the beach weaving from boat to boat - they were on patrols looking for Cuban gun running since the Grenada Invasion was on.
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