I'm still seeking that photo perfect spiffy shop. I don't think they actually work, they are just an artists conception, rather like the picture on the box of frozen dinner.
After three + years of building repair and restoration at our retirement place I'm getting to play in rather than work on my shop buildings. Darn near broke me, it's doubtful another project of such scale is left in me.
I've been sorting, tossing, and cleaning for a while, and have one building just about to the point that I'm happy with it. My other shop building has decently organized tool cabinets, so when I need to repair something I can find the right tool quickly (almost always, exceptions still cause me some consternation...).
Still skating along trying to find that happy balance between the expense and the cost of organisation, both have a cost in time, space, materials, and sometimes money. I must have 10 rolls of pipe tape, three drywall saws, who knows how many utility knives, all those doing a quick job and can't find things needed but the job has to get done today and you're not home sorts of stupidity.
The storage building isn't a full nightmare, but it is at least an unpleasant dream
I'm at the point where my shop used to look like Pat J's photo, now it's looking somewhat along the lines of Poppy Ott's shop, and it's doubtful that I would have the discipline required to achieve Mike Ginn's level of organization, although I come close on the materials and cutting tools storage part of the deal.
Interesting thread, nice to get some ideas from everyone.