My plan is to use the burner shown here in a water tube boiler. At max output, the burner consumes 14 liters of diesel per hour. One liter of diesel produces 10.6 KWh of energy, therefore 14 liters = 148KWh. The slotted burner "cans" and the external housing are both made from stainless steel drinking cups. The brass colored nozzle is a siphon type and uses 1 to 7 psi air pressure to atomize the diesel fuel. A small cordless leaf blower (blue) forces air in between the outer shell and slotted burner cans; that air is guided through a ring of steel vanes which cause the air to swirl around the annular assembly, helping to cool both outer and inner stainless steel cans. Notice how the burning combustion gases are kept away from the inner metal structures.