The way I bent mine was just to put a bit of round bar in the vice, heated the central portion up to bright red and just bent it around to near enough a right angle. I think I used 3/16 diameter bar in the vice.
Forget about bending jigs and all that lot. They will only get you as close as freehand bending.
After they have been bent, you should then spend a couple of hours trying to get them square enough to run.
You will also most probably find that the pistons will be too long. Once you have got the engine rough assembled, you will soon find if they are. It is better to have them slightly short (say 1/16th) rather than spot on length.
It is the getting the pistons EXACTLY square and to length that is the secret to getting the engine running. If you drop a piston onto say your bench, expect to have to square it up again, it really is that critical.
It took me about three days or so to make the bits, but four days to get it adjusted to run.