I was hoping once I got the gearcase assembled the design would start to take shape. I have some internal parts to make and then we'll start to attach a couple of cylinders to this thing. I find that I like to build things in subassemblies. I will design and build an assembly such as the bearing supports before moving to next part of the build. Building in subassemblies allows me to make changes easily and makes the assembly of the engine less complicated. If I think I'm having trouble with a certain area of the engine it can be removed without much difficulty to be corrected or replaced. Also if an idea for a feature of the engine just doesn't work, not all is lost. I can step back and go a different direction without starting completely over.
I'm glad you guys are following along, I just hope its not like when as a kid I tried unsuccessfully to jump a ditch with my bicycle with all the neighbor kids watching. At least if I fail this time a trip to the ER won't be needed. Evel Kneivel's place in history was never threatened by me and its probably good that I decided to follow a different career path. Dave