Gloom, despair, and agony on me---With everything assembled and gasketed, I have no compression. In order to find out WHY not, I machined an adapter to screw into the sparkplug hole and put 20 psi of air on it, with a spoonfull of light oil going in first. The valves are leaking at the seats. Obviously my lung powered test was just not enough puff. Its going to be a bugger to lap them now, because with the "handles" trimmed off the stems aren't much bigger than a mouses dick!!! I went to my local hardware stores tonight to see if they had any small neoprene tubing that would "compression fit" over the stems to give me a bit of handle for more lapping, but nobody carries anything that small. I may have to resort to reaming a 3/32 hole into a peice of 1/4" brass rod and put a set screw in to make a handle for lapping.