Yes it does, going to be something to see when all back together, thanks for sharing, Joe
Okay Guys---We're all finished here. The paint turned out really pretty, my Canadian maple leaf shows up just fine, and the engine runs well. It is mounted in the old wooden base that was built for the Rupnow Engine about ten years ago. There is a degree of "Wonkiness" going on with the flywheel hub, but sometimes that happens with a built up flywheel. I want to take the summer off now, I've built three engines over the past winter, and I'm burned out on machining things. Have a really great summer!!!---Brian
Hi Brian,
Even doing stuff you like can become a rut if it's taking up most of a life. I think the Australian term for breaking out of a deep rut is having a walkabout. Sounds like it's time for one. I sure need to just go do something completely different from the routine every now and then. Have a great summer, have some fun. Grow some crazy hot peppers and a few types of basil and learn to cook Szechuan and Thai style