Here is yet another video as I continue looking for ways to improve carburetion for my engines. Here I've got a quick and dirty set up to run propane.
Even with this crude set up it seems to be running better than anything I've achieved with liquid fuel. Next I guess I'll start on a demand valve for it and maybe work on improving the mixer.
I like the idling speed,she thumps away like the old WW2 Matchless. You hear every firing stroke and exhaust stroke. Almost like the Ruston single cylinder
engine running in the Heat Engine Lab,Singapore Polytechnic.
I see from the video you have elevated the fuel tank so that the top of it is about level with the centerline of the intake. In my setup with Brian's carb, for which I had no success, the top of the fuel tank was about 3" below. Could that be why I had no luck? Thinking about it now, I'm sure I was expecting way too much vacuum?
Chuck--I have to give you a big "Attaboy". You keep coming up with new things and machining operations that really impress me.---Brian