In his book, "Home Machinist's Bedside Reader #2 (pg. 159)", Guy
Lautard describes the "Osborne Maneuver" for accurately centering round stock
in the milling machine using nothing more than an edge finder.
It works like this. Accurately measure the diameter of the stock.
For description purposes, let's assume that the y axis is along the 12-6
o'clock line of the stock and the x axis is along the 3-9 o'clock line. Align
the edge finder by eye to the 3 o'clock position and locate the edge of the
workpiece. Now move by half the diameter towards the center of the stock along
the x axis. Now, use the y axis controls to find the edge of the stock near
the 12 o'clock position. Move half the diameter towards the center of the
stock along the y axis.
Now do it again. Use the x axis controls to find the edge of the
stock near the 3 o'clock position. Move half the diameter towards the center
of the stock along the x axis. Use the y axis controls to find the edge of the
stock near the 12 o'clock position. Move half the diameter towards the center
of the stock along the y axis.
As you repeat this procedure again and again you will approach the
center of the stock with ever increasing accuracy. (In mathematical terms,
the procedure converges to the center of the stock.)
The question becomes, "How often do I have to do this?". The answer
is, "Probably fewer times than you think!". I wrote OSBORNE.EXE to examine
how fast the process converges. For example:
Workpiece diameter [2] ?
Initial offset [0.1] ?
iteration: del1,del2,error= 1: 0.10000000, 0.00501256, 0.10012555
iteration: del1,del2,error= 2: 0.00501256, 0.00001256, 0.00501258
iteration: del1,del2,error= 3: 0.00001256, 0.00000000, 0.00001256
iteration: del1,del2,error= 4: 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000
iteration: del1,del2,error= 5: 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000
iteration: del1,del2,error= 6: 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000
Here we have a 2 (we'll say inch but units don't matter) diameter
workpiece and we initially aligned with an error of 0.1". That is to say, we
initially aligned by eye to the x axis at the 3 o'clock position with an error
of 0.1". If your eyes are that bad, you need better glasses! After the first
iteration we're still 0.1" off the x axis (del1), but we're within 0.005"
(del2) of being on the y axis. Our radial error (distance from the center of
the workpiece) is the root-sum-squared of del1 and del2 or 0.100126". On the
second iteration, del1 becomes the del2 of the previous iteration and that
puts us within 0.0000126 on the x axis. The iterations continue in this
fashion with del1 always becoming the del2 of the previous iteration.
As you can see, even with a hideous initial error we've converged to a
nearly unmeasurable error after only three iterations. You can use the
program to experiment with other combinations of workpiece diameter and
initial error. Personally, I do it twice and don't worry about it.