Party doesn't start till later in the day. I decided to perform the old, tried and true, "Blow yer Guts Out" test on the engine. This is a simple diagnostic test. You have to sacrifice a spark plug, by chipping out all of the porcelain and soldering a small tube to the sparkplug to which a piece of flexible gas line is attached. This lets you put the other end of the tube in your mouth and "Blow yer Guts Out". In a perfect world, when the engine is at top dead center on the compression stroke and both valves are fully closed (as verified by seeing daylight between the valve stem and the valve lifter), then you shouldn't be able to blow at all. If you can blow, and the air comes out of the exhaust system, then your exhaust valve is leaking. If you cover the end of the exhaust with a finger and you can still blow, then probably your intake valve is leaking. If you cover the intake and the exhaust with your fingers and can still blow, then your rings are leaking. (you have to remove the oil filler plug for the ring test). From what I see today, the exhaust valve and the intake valve are leaking a little bit. The rings don't seem to be leaking at all. This doesn't surprise me at all, and it is a simple operation to pop off the cylinder head and the top part of the cylinder assembly which has the valve cages in it. A little more dressing with 600 grit aluminum oxide paste will probably fix any current valve leaks.