Well today was another awesome day in the garage. We have pistons!!
I hate drilling into anything round because, well, it sucks. I never seem to hit center or my drill seems to drift so i came up with this solution so i could "measure once, cut 8 times". I grabbed the smallest piece of square stock i could find. I turned 2 diameters on it, one being the diameter of the skirt ID - .002 and the same length as its depth. I also turned the smaller diameter .002 smaller than the second step way down in the deepest part of the piston recess.
Then i put it in the mill and milled off enough material so the center was left and was .248 wide. That makes the width .002 less than the slot in the piston.
The piston went on about 3/4 of the way and with a few light taps, it slid right on. I didn't even need to hold it on there but i still used my thumb just in case. Knowing it would work and knowing the large square surface is the bottom of the piston, I found center and that edge and laid out the hole and drilled it .010 larger than the wrist pin.
Then one after another I slid them on and spot drilled, drilled and reamed all eight pistons.
After that step was done I rechucked them in the lathe and parted them off.
I dont have a collet to fit the pistons so i wrapped them in a piece of paper to keep from scuffing them up. If you were wondering what the 3rd ring groove is for. That groove is the top of the piston +.005. I faced the top of the piston until the groove was gone and then took .005 more. The top edge was broken with a piece of 320 grit paper.
All that was left was to debur the wrist pin holes and FINISHED!! Wooohooo!