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nothing Boring here
I will resist the temptation to take this conversation into the gutter and just say, "dang that looks good"
stevehuckss396 said:
Steamer!! I just re-read this. Sounds like i was standing in front of the mill with a head that was boring, bored out of my mind!!

;D :big:

Isn't this machining thing complicated!!!

Really though....Damn fine job my friend....Looking great! can't wait to hear it!
Make sure you use suitably whiny square cut teeth on the blower drive now!
Whooooopahhh! da da dum, da da dum, da da dum. Alright it's been a loooong day!
The supercharger looks amazing. How many hours of machining was that?
I had my pulley stock show up in the mail yesterday so there went my day off. The new day off is tomorrow.

I made this little fixture to hold the pulley on center. The tail section is exactly 3/4 so it can be chucked in a collet. The bore is snug as a bug. I put a 4-40 screw in the side to hold the stock from spinning. Not sure if i even needed it. I had a real wrestling match going when I tried to get the finished gear out.


After the slug of pulley was in the holder, the stock was drilled and reamed. Then the inside was bored out to diameter. Then the entire fixture was taken over to the rotary table for drilling. Then the piece was removed and deburred. Easy enough. The most important thing i think would be to hit the center of the pulley OD. I would think the belt will have a hard time staying on in the pulleys were wobbling.


Looks mean as he!!


Looks mean as he!!
Now ain't that the truth - for the entire project and not just the blower :bow:

Great job Steve Thm:
The drawings for the engine are completed. I don't know how good they are. There are 67 pages. The drawings do not cover the supercharger or any of it's components. I think i'm going to complete the blower drawings and offer them seperate. Most folks wont want to build the blower so It'll save them a few bucks.

That's a super nice job you have done, designing and machining your engine, Steve.

It looks awesome! Can't wait to see it finished.

Please mark me down for a set of blown drawings, thanks.

I have a question about the blower assmelby. I the blower compresses air where does the air goes; i mean i think it goes in the carborator right but the thing is, if the in the carb is building up pressure the fuel wouldnt be pushed back to the tank? Or is it an open system that means that the pressure is not all directed into the carb but can also by to atmosphere?

crabs on top of blower

it goes carbs --- blower ---- cylinder ------ bang -------p o w e r
so the blower sucks and copresses air plus fuel from the carb and keep compressing it continuesly..right

Glad to hear you are making plans available for your engine. I've been watching this develop for some time and enjoyed the whole process. Have you thought of a price yet and when do you think they'd be available?

Drei said:

I have a question about the blower assmelby. I the blower compresses air where does the air goes; i mean i think it goes in the carborator right but the thing is, if the in the carb is building up pressure the fuel wouldnt be pushed back to the tank? Or is it an open system that means that the pressure is not all directed into the carb but can also by to atmosphere?


The air is sucked thru the carb and compressed under the blower between the blower and the valves.
Which does bring to mind a question, do you need a blow off plate?
ref1ection said:
Glad to hear you are making plans available for your engine. I've been watching this develop for some time and enjoyed the whole process. Have you thought of a price yet and when do you think they'd be available?


They will be available when It fires up and I know for sure it works.

Carb only $10
Engine, carb, display base, gas tank, radiator, etc! $50
Blower, drawings for the complete conversion $30

Does this sound fair? I don't want to gouge anybody but i do have a ton of work into them. I don't know!! I really don't know.

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