Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings

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Cylinder Sleeve & Displacer Cylinder

The materials for these pieces was very expensive at a bit over $200 online. The carbon steel piece was only $50 but the SS 304 with a bore close to 2.000 was way more than I wanted to spend. I couldn't see boring anything available to a consistent size. My plan is to make a mandrel that supports both parts internally so I can thin them down without crushing/distorting them.

The scrap pile didn't have anything useful for the 2 inch part, so I resorted to welding several pieces together. The center piece (red arrow) is some pretty tough SS that was threaded on both ends and very precise OD. I think it was a large valve stem so it only needed polishing and squaring of the ends with a countersink for the tailstock center. The other parts are carbon steel pipe (blue arrow) and plate (green arrow). I TIG welded them rather than silver brazing so I could avoid distortion and guarantee strength of attachment. They are removable so I can press the sleeves on and off, also allowing a trial fit for the cylinder sleeve to the cylinder (it has two machined fits). I will still use Loctite to ensure a leak-tight cooling water joint. mandrel materials.jpgcylinder materials.jpg

Nothing else special. I found that my clapped out 9" lathe worked best at 300 rpm with a higher than average feed rate and 0.007 depth of cut or less. Anything else would chatter and break inserts after a few passes. Must have been a weird natural frequency because of the hollow multipart mandrel. With 0.007 depth of cut it took forever (21+ passes) :confused:

mandrel on lathe.jpgturning cylinder.jpg

In the end the part is a keeper and should only need a light honing because of the DOM tolerance. We will see

I started on the 304 SS part. It needed three 0.005 shims and some blue Loctite to fit my mandrel that was made for the CS pipe-size. Surprisingly to me, I can easily take 0.010" depth of cut using a slightly different feed rate. Most of the time the chips break, but sometimes I get a nasty birds nest. I got most of the material removed yesterday. The goal is to reduce it to 0.030" wall thickness to minimize conductive heat transfer upwards to the cylinder. I plan to silver braze a copper cap at the hot end.
FWIW When I built this engine from the kit from Myers Engine ,I used the material supplied for the cylinder (DOM I think) and silver soldered a copper cap 060 thick on the outside of the sleeve. I made the displacer piston from 1.875 x .058 6061 aluminum tube from Aircraft Spruce. I closed the ends with discs of 6061 epoxied in place. The engine runs well and will easily pump a 6 ft. head of water up a1/4 in. tube, without the load the engine runs too fast even with minimal flame from a backpacker type propane camp stove (Amazon) .raveney, your castings look GREAT
I have use Stainless exhaust tube for displacer cylinders, 1.5mm wall seems to work oK on the Heinrici and Denny Improved and it is not expensive for a 12" length off e-bay.

15thou wall brass tube that is sold chromed for decorative basin waste pipe for the displacers.
Thank you Colin,
Would you mind sharing a picture of the campers stove you used? The book has a few drawings where they repurpose a propane torch which looks doable also.
BTW did you get the Nash 25 running reliably?

The SS pipe I bought was ridiculously over priced for my dumpster diving budget, but I didn't think about 2" exhaust pipe. Next time I will for sure. Thank you Jason.
I also use ebay portable camping stove burners like this, just remove all the bits you don't need


For my 40mm dia bore engines they only just need to be turned on so there is more heat available. You can see them in these videos

raveney: Sorry no pics for a while. Had surgery last week for detached retina so am out of shop for? don't know. Part # on camp stove X00323210X Wadeo HG0094 No progress on Nash25,put aside till urge strikes again Thanks for asking.
thank you for the help. I really like the "weathered" finish on your Heinrici engine, and I will attempt that using the recipe you posted with the build log. Well done!

Wishing you a speedy recovery on your eyes. The engine can certainly wait

Flywheel and Crankshaft

I had a small bit of cast iron that I used to make the crankshaft, and it took me two attempts to get the shaft size just right to fit all 3 of the tight press fits (flywheel, bearings, and crank) but I'm super happy with it and it runs perfectly true. If I had the right bearings like the book suggests, and undersized (-.001) reamers the crank would have been just a cut piece of drill rod. The modified part has stepped shoulders that will register the correct amount of endplay so it looks like I did it on purpose. :rolleyes:

I used my faceplate for the flywheel so I could bore it and surface the outer and inner rim and one side all at the same setup.


Walking Beam and Support

These two parts required a lot of attention when making the patterns and came out very accurately. For the support, I was able to spot the mounting legs by eye and true the ends in one setup, then flip over and anchor to a fixture plate and finish the bearing saddles in another setup. I did not have a large enough piece of bronze for the bearings so I decided to use ball bearings hidden inside a piece of brass that I did have on hand. I also made fake shaft stubs to complete the deception. Should help eliminate the friction and any rod knocking with these bearings.

The walking beam sat level when clamping directly to the mill table using the center webs and 123 blocks. Faced the surfaces and drilled and reamed the holes. Some fettling required to make the two ends look right. It bottomed out at the first fit-up and had to relieve some of the excess center webbing to get the full 2 inch stroke. A trip to the sandblaster will blend it together later. I will also need to make some period correct fasteners in place of the socket head cap screws.


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