Found out the block was a bit off so I skimmed a bit of it.

The plan is to make this scratch build look like the original with cast parts. I also want to give it more details so I bought the plans for the Stuart Triple expansion engine to see if there was something there I could use. However, there are plenty of pictures out there I can get ideas from. By staying with the original plans x1.3 for the important proportions I believe I will have a chanse of getting a good running engine.
I see this type of engine construction as a Challenge. Compared to the tubular A-stand frame type, that is easy to make very accurate, this construction has no solid frame and no good way of making the supports for the cross heads with good accuracy. There are simply too many setup steps and parts in between the piston rod axis and the cross head supports axis.
I'm aiming towards a smooth and slow running engine so I will putt my best effort into getting it right.
I will start by aiming for the numbers as close as possible and take it from there.
Note the clamps. Just drilled and tapped some M10 holes. The wise is almost always too far from the blade to support odd shaped parts.
I actually got better surface finish with a 10mm carbide end mill than with this.
My Chinese ZX32 bench mill actually does quite a bitt of work here. This 16mm roughing cutter is very efficient.
I also believe I have got my hands on a very good quality chunk of cast iron here.
Now I can imagine the engine block!
As you see I have scaled up by 1.3 and converted all measurements to metric.