I have spent the last 4 days working on a new work bench. I have only been in the planning stages for about 4 years. I rescued the steel top from the dumpster and the rest cost about $350USD for all the wood, the hinges and door hardware. That even included a gallon of white paint. Now i will have one more counter top I cant find under all the crap that will find a home on it. The small drill press and band saw have needed a home for a long time and the bench behind it is over cramped so this will make things a lot less cramped. Now i need to figure out a way to store my metal and I will be in good shape. There is a hole in the top that will be hinged. The hatch can be opened to access the petrobond and the molds can be pounded out right next to the hole. It is 16 feet long so there will be plenty of storage for casting stuff and other odds and ends that are hobby related.
Just had to brag a little.
Just had to brag a little.