Whether people do it or not, it is stupid to do so. And on top of that, if the machine shop is that cold, it must be difficult to maintain accuracy given that dimensions and measuring tools are set up for a 68 degree environment.
Here, this bright and bonny morning is 10C or 50F in old money!
Again it is 19C indoors with a semblance of heating on.
For the rest of the unhappy world, it is struggling with an average debt of £13000 excluding mortgages. This is the UK, arguably one of the so called rich countries.
From what can be deduced over more years than enough, the average reader here has a lathe which either dates from being secundo mano' which is rather more than second hand or something that came from the bargain basement of some factory where people are managing on perhaps rather more than a bowl of imported rice. Whatever the outcome of today's factory, it seems that there is no way that one can achieve National Physical Laboratory standards or Georg Schleisinger ( Sp)
Sorry, but this is a world of people who are not far removed from their old shed in the garden or the back of the kitchen bench where the old ML or Drummond was probably pedalled. And then came washing machines and one could cannibalise them for 1/4HP 1440 rpm motors.
Wow!!!!!!! That Miracle from the East promised long ago materialised.
Whatever happened the with a borrowed 0-1" mike or a cheap Chinese one now, it does not approach these ethereal aspirations.
As for safety or whatever, most of us have no option but to conduct our affairs with caution.
We know the dangers- but real life itself is one of far more danger.
Sorry, I have stolen the post but feel that reality is something that is actually REAL.