A good friend hurt himself very badly. He has many many years of experience as a machinist and gunsmith. He has a wonderfull shop.
The machine is a big Lablond, 15x56 or there abouts. He has a phase changer in the shop to run it.
He made a magnetic system to hold his lathe tool holders. It was located behind the lathe and above. He was making a cut and reached over the spindle to put a tool away. The work was rough enough to grab his sleeve. The work wound his arm up around it several times. It pulled his head down to the chuck and cut off part of his ear. Just then the circut breaker kicked off. If he had been running faster the inerta would have killed him. If running slower the torque would have killed him.
Finding himself alone and wrapped up in the machine he was able to kick the clutch petal and unwind himself. He was able to call 911 and get help.
He had several compound fractures of the bones in his arm and his hand was mangled. This thumb is ruined. The arm healed up pretty well. Modern medicine amazes me. He is still getting around and making lots of great projects and having fun.
Gads, It makes me queasy to write this.
The ghastly accident which happened to your friend does not bear thinking about, He was obviously comfortable operating his big lathe for many years, but a combination of a badly placed tool rack, & most likely fatigue or a moments forgetfulness was all it took for misfortune to strike.
Over here in the U.K. about 25 years ago a turner was horribly mangled and lost his life by the instance of a loose rag on his sleeve being caught on his work piece and dragging him over the work piece to his death, no one would want to witness the aftermath of such a horror, thankfully more modern work practices and safety awareness has given us a safer work environment.
My one worry in today's " Ultra safety and aware world" , Is i believe the scenario where future generations will have any natural self preservation and the natural in built sense of danger negated from their psyche by being mollycoddled, I think in many instances we are rearing future generations who will not be able to think for themselves in a work environment.
So saying to be safety conscious is a far better and happier world than say 150 years ago in which nobody cared two hoots regarding workers welfare.
Leaving the industrial scene aside , where the home shop worker is concerned, I think the safety record seems to be pretty good , or else we just do not hear of the disasters that have befallen the careless, stupid , or inexperienced , or arrogant home shop operative, Recently in a small way I have been attempting to mentor one guy, he is well educated to a high degree , But he has a totally unteachable spirit , and is therefore a danger to himself and everyone else in his vicinity
The average glory hole in which Home Shop lurkers reside range from a cupboard or closet in the house to very fine establishments which would put many commercial concerns to shame.
In my small shop at home, which like Lucy "Has just Growed " over the decades has space at a great premium,therefore behind the lathe & shaper I have tools and equipment hanging or on racks, This lack of space has meant over about forty years I have had to instill into my methodology "Strictly no leaning over any machine whilst it is working" so therefore we have another very valuable by product, No one else operates my machinery or works in my shop , Therefore me and only me is responsible for my own actions.
I also have another shop with larger machine tools, in which I have no racks everything comes from a cupboard and goes back to a cupboard
The premise guys is work safely , wisely and be happy And always guard against the unforeseen occurrence.