Horizontal Steam Engine

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I have to admit I hadn't noticed it was an anvil base.
Pretty neat.

Off topic here but...I wrote it down as a possible miniature gift. Similar to Philberoptix's vise for Christmas. Also want to do some miniature machinist's clamps.
thats real nice, your finishes are infinatly better than my first, and last ;D.
Hi Rich: I was away for a little while and it was nice to come on and see your comment. I set everything just as Rudy said to do it in his plans. We put air to it and off it went. I am stiled thrilled. Jack
Hi Hammers N Nails I was over on your post looking at that beautiful project you have going. Your work shows a lot of quality. Thank you for the nice coments about mine. Jack
Great piece of work Jack. Thanks for taking us all along for the ride. I know the pressure can be high when you're in the spotlight. You took it to the barn in style....(grin)

Hi Steve. Thank you very much for the compliments. I found the whole process to be fun. I look forward to doing another one soon.
Jack B
jack that is one very nice engine and i love the anvil base :bow:

the best part is the fact that various members of family got involved with the making of the engine and the filming.
that to me would make it just that much better.

so what is next????

Hi Chuck It was great fun to get the family involved with my project. We spent close to 5 hours to get our video of the engine with the Zotrope just right. It just didn't look right on Photobucket so we decided to switch to You Tube. The results were better but we used up another Saturday morning doing takes. It was a new experience for all of us and we enjoyed it. My wife Claire took on the task of making the Zoetrope and it was like a machining job because the circle had to be the right size to get correct spacing for the slots. I just added the holder.
I am not sure what my next project will be. It will be scratch built.
Thanks for your comments. Jack B
Jack, that's simply marvelous! Nice engine, nice videos. Glad to see you got the rest of the clan involved too!