I had those exact symptoms a few years ago and can usually whip anything with extra fluids & rest. After 2 weeks of pure misery at work and tumbling into bed as soon as I got home and ate, my wife hauled me to the doctor, protesting the entire way there.wareagle said:I have been down for a week, but I use the term down loosely here. I have had some sort of respitory somethin' that is making me cough like a dying emphesema patient, and I just don't have any steam. Have had very little fever, and that was low grade..
DICKEYBIRD said:I had those exact symptoms a few years ago and can usually whip anything with extra fluids & rest. After 2 weeks of pure misery at work and tumbling into bed as soon as I got home and ate, my wife hauled me to the doctor, protesting the entire way there.
The doc poked & prodded, took an x-ray and said "Jay-sus, man, you've got pneumonia....yer lucky you're not dead!"
So, if you haven't already, go see a doctor!
SERCEFLYER said:I'm an internal medicine doctor-- Dickybird is right on. Please go to a doctor as soon as possible. You'll need a chest x-ray and may benefit from antibiotics and may need IV fluids. Not everyone mounts a high fever with a pneumonia. I've seen some dangerous pneumonias present in a similar way.
wareagle said:Woo, Hoo!! I finally got some uninterrupted time on the machinery!! ;D Not very often that happens!!!
I started with turning the cylinder. This picture is indicating the stock in the four jaw.
For the newbies, a four jaw chuck does not self center the work in the jaws. You have to locate the center yourself. It is easily done with an indicator and a little time. The method I use is to chuck up the piece and eye ball it as close to center as I can. Once that is done, I will put the indicator on and see where things are at. Then, take one set of jaws at a time, and center your work piece. Once you have one set done, just repeat for the other set until centered, then double check all of the jaws to make sure nothing moved on you. With some practice, you can indicate a piece of bar stock in a couple of minutes to within .001".
wareagle said:Alright, I'll heed the advice. I'll see if I can get into my doctor's office this week sometime. That is a hit and miss proposition at best around here! Seems like all of the doctors are booked so full that they dont have room for the sick cases.