Hello, it's been a while since I went to the general public here. For about the last 2 years, I've been involved with making a Cirrus V8 designed by Chuck Fellows. I've been following Bazmak's build which is twice as big as the original blueprints. And Barry has been invaluable in guiding me. I've just gotten to the point of having the block, crank, rods, pistons, cylinders and the inner workings in the cylinder head, finished. When all bolted together, I can turn everything smoothly by hand with no binding. My next task will be when I get cogged belts and pulleys for the rotary valve installed. Will still need to bore the hole for the rotary valve and I'm going to use 3/16" intake tubes, silver soldered into the brass intake at the top of the cylinder and using a 3/16" compression fitting with a 1/8" pipe thread to go into the block. Here are some pictures of the progress.