I recently seen a post by Rod W over on HMEM where he had built a ball turner, using a boring head. It looks like he did a very good job, and I got thinking of building one myself, with as few parts as possible. Of course the first thing I had to do was to see if I could turn an internal MT2 taper to suit my boring head shank. This exercise turned out successful, and was covered in a separate post titled "Turning an Internal MT2 taper". Now, I don't really need a ball turner. In fact, I had made one about 5 years ago, never used it, and ended up giving it away. Boredom does strange things to a fellow, and I ended up making a new ball turner just to see if I could!! To start with, here is the part which I made with an internal MT2 taper, with the outer diameter turned to 1". It is made from aluminum, mainly because aluminum is easier to work with than steel, and even more importantly, I had some aluminum the right size (1.25" outside diameter). if you plan on making one of these, probably steel would be a better choice.