Greetings, I have transported the LaFrance/Karen Lynn on several occasions on the back seat of our car. One time I even bought a big tub and packed a lot of towels around it to protect, so I could take it to a model show. I need to transport the engine to various painters to get some quotes for the pin stripping before I do another complete tear down. I want the painter/artist to see the whole thing together to get a feel of what he is working on.
So the project has taken a left turn and is going down another path. A transport case is in order. To firm up the overall dimensions I had to turn my thoughts to the draft gear, horses and harness rigging. The draft gear is very nicely laid out in the drawings and I have cut some red mahogany to size for the wood components. Some of the various plates have been cut out and rivet holes drilled. This can be seen in picture #2. Picture #1 shows the relative position of a 1/6 scale plastic horse to the engine. The horse was procured from ebay. It is an old Marx Johnny West series horse form the late 1960s. I will need two more because this engine was large enough to require a team of 3 horses running abreast of each other.
So with the general layout, I have determined that the carry case will be 14"wide x 52" long x 18" tall. All inside dimensions. I unburied some old 1x rough sawn heart pine that was in my wood pile that came out of a tobacco barn in Nash County, NC. After some initial planing, re-sawing and more planing, I now have a nice stack of 3/8" thick boards to make my carrying case. The boards come complete with knot and nail holes. Picture #3.
Finding someone to make the harnesses and bridle gear has been some what of a challenge. I have yet to find anyone interested in working with me on a 1/6 scale basis. I did run across a neat you tube clip last night that shows a lot of still pictures of steam fire engines with their horses. There are some great shots of the harness and bridle assemblies. Simplicity seemed to be the key for hitching up the horses and getting to the scene of the fire. Anyway, here is the link to the video, enjoy:
Basic game plan:
1] Buy 2 more horses, clean up the mold seams and let my daughter paint the horses with an airbrush.
2] Make my own leather harnesses and bridles.