Aluminium is a bu#'4r without a buffing wheel!! you are best flating it first 800-1000 grit wet n dry with WD type thin oil on it... Some would go finer on the grades too, makes the final polishing easier! Plates that big would give most people trouble!!!
Doesn't look bad at all though. Fantastic contrast between the body and all the brass fittings and you've certainly got a reflection off the body 8) .... Are your thumbs are hurting? Thm:
Is the insulation 'Fiberfrax' or something like it? It looks about like that and is pretty easy to come by at glass-working hobby shops and pottery places.
Ralph, I did try the casing on my buffing wheel but it didn't do any good. Looking at a piece of offcut I think it may be anodised or coated?? The top plate is made from a different piece of material and polished on the buffer ok. The casing material is quite hard compared to the top plate as well.
Shred, I'm pretty sure now I bought it at the Harrogate model engineering show last year maybe from reeves or somebody like that. There is no makers name on it so I can't help there.
The wife said do you mind if I go shopping this morning. I'll manage I said. Straight outside in the shop. I got the boiler re-build finished and hooked the pump up to it to give a final leak check. It will be easier to fix any leaks while its cold. Heres the result.
A couple of minor dribbles to fix but nothing serious.
Looking great there Rich,can't wait to see it running one of your engines!,BTW I'm envious of your clean workshop!, you could probably do open heart surgery in there!, makes mine look like a coal mine!
Awesome piece of work! I have enjoyed your log and photo's/video's of this project very much. Thanks for letting us all see the project as it unfolded.
Ernie J
Many thanks for all the kind remarks. Seeing it steam for the first time was a real thrill. I had a grin from ear to ear all day. I have a few sketches of the type of engine I want to build and a box of useful bits but thats a way off yet. I am going to try a mod to the burner while I'm on the boiler. I am well pleased with how the multi jet idea worked, but it works too well! I had to leave the doors open for the burner to get enough air. Closing the doors extiguished the flame. I had no idea at the start how much heat a meths burner generates, I now realise that the burner I built is too much for this size of boiler. Never the less a lot has been learned and the multi jet idea may be used again on something bigger. I intend to take the pre heater wick tubes out and make a couple of small caps to blank off and seal the bushes. The multi jet 'mushrooms' will be removed and replaced with a simple tube and wick. Time will tell how well it works. I'll report back when its done. After that theres some tooling I want to make and a couple of things I want to play with for a while before I start on the engine.