Well another day almost down the gurgler on the model front.
Sometimes, with some people, the only thing their head is for is to keep their ears apart
Enough, lets talk about important things like model engines
I did manage to get the engine assembled
Drilling the mounting holes in the crankcase lugs.
The crankshaft and holding down bolts.
Next the piston assembly.
Now its starting to look like an engine
A couple of rulers to show the size.
Snuck it home, past SWMBO and onto the kitchen scales
235grams, a bit over 8ozs
What the first assembly revealed
1. It goes together
2. There is a tight spot which on closer inspection, (with a magnifying glass and a torch, (flashlight))
revealed that the conrod was just catching on the cylinder at about 300 before and after TDC. Some judicious use of a small file will be required to clear the obstruction on the rod.
3. There seems to be compression, but I'm not convinced that the contra piston is a good as it could be, because there were air bubbles around the compression screw.
Maybe it's a result of the very slow rpm, I sure hope so. Any advise/comment will be gratefully received. I was sorta, kinda half expecting this
Well TTFN and for our correct way up friends it's goodbye from him