You're not done yet. You still need to shape the nose to eliminate the sharp corners. Most commonly done with a file.
Get hold of Roy Sholl at S & S engineering. He has everything you need if you want electronic ignition.
Bob,I was looking for a tutorial on how you make the valves and valve cages, but I think I found one about the valves since I wrote. I found a post you did (2016?) on making valves for another engine. I basically copied that off into a Word document on my PC and put images inline.
The parts are all different from the Webster, but I think the method for making the smaller pistons would transfer.
CFLBob--just a heads up---You will suffer greatly if you don't put gaskets between all three pieces. A piece of brown paper bag with grease on it will do. If you try to use any of the conventional gasket goo's, it will squeeze out on the inside and bugger up how your valves seal.