Brian Peters
sorry about the redundant answer to a problem on page 2 lol will get the hang of this soon only respond to the end of the thread Durp as my son would say
got my bearings in and also helped someone out with making a new handle bolt for their gun safe and now I'm back to work on the engine.
on laying out the inside radius I just cant seem to get it right. attached is a drawing of where I'm having trouble and if I move my table up and to the right by .250 in both directions from where the lines intersect which I have circled then that is where I should drill a .500 hole to get a .250 radius correct? when testing it with layout dye and my compass set with one point in where the drill puch mark would be and the other side of my compass extended out by .250 it just wont intersect with the lines correctly. seem to be at the least to far to the right. so what can you think of that I'm doing wrong or how would I locate that drill to get the radius. I realize I could just omit the radius but part of the fun is learning (to a certain extent). so basicly if measure from the far right hand of the part to the left I was measuring 3.250 and scribed a line up and down. and then (measurement not shown in the pic) looking at the part on the far right hand that part is 1.250 high so I measured 1.500 high and scribed a line from left to right and from where my to scribed lines intersected I thought should be where the .500 drill would go. but in testing it misses the mark.
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