God Speed Brian.
Damn! I thought medical care was free in Canada?So--I'm 72 hours into this thing since the surgery. I've had no pain, and vision has cleared in that eye, a bit every day. It still isn't what I had hoped for, and a follow up appointment with the surgeon today left questions. The "super duper" ocular device which was surgically implanted in my left eye may not have been able to totally fix the astigmatism in that eye. Or--it may get better as it heals more. Or--due to the extent of the astigmatism, I may have to go in for laser surgery to smooth off the surface of the cornea. This left me disappointed, and prompted a call to the laser surgery people. "Oh yes, we can fix that in one easy step!!"--Sounds familiar. $2500 of my fine Canadian money for that quick little "step" with the laser people.--And--they won't do it until at least four months after the cataract surgery. Damn--I wasn't expecting this. Big hope is that with more time for the eye to heal it will clear up better without having anything else done to it.