Hi Brian, Having bent many tubes with a variety of benders - like you have been doing - I think your explanation shows "Why" I have some success and some failures! = "Wrong material" of tubing.
I have filled copper tubes with plumbers' lead solder, (successfully), Candle wax (Good and easy), sand (difficult and needs ends blocking and good compression of the fine sand), and have heard that fine sugar, (Icing sugar? Castor sugar?) works, but not tried it. Also, I was told that caramel works (melted sugar with a dash of water to help it melt). A friend (many years ago, - 1970s?) made me a new exhaust pipe for the bike, and had an hydraulic bender, and used a proprietary "Brown melting gunge" that cooked in a saucepan, and being brittle when cold, it broke-up during bending the thin walled stainless tube (~2" dia) and the dust and broken shrapnel fell out after bending. - Maybe that was caramel? - he blocked one end of the straight pipe just by sticking it in the lawn for an inch, while we poured the gunge into it. After cooling, the whole thing was solid, and the tube bent like in a factory. Slight necking, and surface marks from the dies/rolls in the Hydraulic bender.
But for your job, I think the (external) spring has given excellent results! - better than mine (I have tried the spring inside a tube - not easy to extract after bending!), I must try an external spring next time.
My benders: (The best for 3/16" or 5mm tube is the one next to the springs: Also, note the thick bar instead of flimsy steel strip for the black benders. Makes them much better.).