Andrew--I couldn't do that---machine parts all day and then build model engines as a hobby. I have been a machine designer for almost half a century, but actually machining something is a whole new game to me. When I was younger, and really needed the money, a lot of my co-workers were working Saturdays and evenings doing architectural drawings or "moonlighting" work for other engineering firms. I just couldn't do it. 8 hours a day of design work was all I could stand.--I fully understand the old adage about "The shoemakers children going barefoot".--The poor shoemaker was probably like me--after a day spent making shoes for other folks, he had no energy left to work in the evenings and weekends.
Hi Brian & Andrew,
May I chip in.
I ran a machineshop with full compliment of machine tools Leblonde Lathes,
Okamoto Vertical mill,Okamoto Surface Grinder,China Shaper,China Vertical
Slotting Machine,80 ton Air Bender#,200 ton Deep Draw Press#, Auto S/Arc
Welders,Mig Welders,Rotary Welder#,Main SeamWelder,Guillotine Cutters,
WheelaBrator(copied) Blasting Machine"#,OverHead Cranes#,Auto Oxy Cutters,Aluminium Furnace#,100 ton China Stamping Press and no time and energy left after 5:30pm. More than enough machine tools to builder bigger Model Engines. So much cut-offs left over bar stocks.
# Designed and build by Gus and his team.
The consolation I have was successfully building these Production Machines# from scratch to make air receivers. Have no regret looking back.