I only give them names when I can't get them to run.--Actually, a good name would be the Rupnow Horizontal Sideshaft engine. I trust that you got the drawings okay?
Seems straightforward enough - can't really go wrong with a descriptive title. I am curious to know the theme with naming the failed projects though?
I have just checked my email inbox and can see the drawings now, thanks for getting them over so fast Brian!
Some materials now ordered for this along with the Howell "Farm Boy" - still not sure which to go for first. I am leaning towards your side shaft as it seems less fiddly, and I already have a very good point of reference here with this thread.
I think I will document my progress on the forum too, in a likely less comprehensive way though.
Before you buy any material for the engine---Buy the gears first off Ebay. If you can't for any reason get the gears, then the drawings are no good to you. This is critical.--there is a link to the gears near the beginning of my build thread.-Brian
Before you buy any material for the engine---Buy the gears first off Ebay. If you can't for any reason get the gears, then the drawings are no good to you. This is critical.--there is a link to the gears near the beginning of my build thread.-Brian
Thanks for the advice on this, I purchased these immediately with the same thing in mind. I also contacted the supplier to check up on whether or not they replace the stock or if it is limited ex. stock. They were very confident that these are always being replenished and won't run out of stock. Of course take that for what its worth. I also asked them what other 2:1 ratio gear pairs they offer and they were good enough to provide a full list, including several straight spur gear sets, bevel and helical sets.
I don't want to hi-jack, so I may just make a new thread with them all linked.
Earl--The other 2:1 ratio gears that they sell will have different center to center distances and will not work with my engine plans. I would like it if you can start a separate thread for your engine build.---Brian
I try to post a video of my engines working once they have been set up and tuned. All of my engines have to be capable of earning their keep around here by working at something. They work on a number of nifty things, but this is one of my favorites, the sawmill. The sideshaft engine seems quite capable of running the sawmill with no hesitation, so here we are, sawing some lumber today.---Brian
I had hoped that this would show the governor working, and it does, but you have to be quick to see it. At 0.26 seconds into the video, just as I engage the clutch, you will see the governor move the throttle linkage to give the engine a little more throttle to prevent the engine rpm from dropping when the load of the clutch is introduced.
I regret that I only have one like to give for this!
I also have the dream of running useful things with my engines, as I get them going. Since one HP is 750 Watts, 1HP could run a small but useful generator. Recharge some batteries if (when) we get another hurricane.
Awesome video, engine, clutch and sawmill!! Tell us more about the clutch and sawmill. I would be interested in building both.
Thanks for sharing all this,