Thanks Lloyd. - Maybe teaching someone how to think, and how to learn, is what the experience of life teaches us to do? - I hadn't planned that or even thought of it, but it is how I was taught as a teenager in a machine shop.... I still hear the "voices of wisdom" of those mechanics and machinists. (The "voices in my head"!). They taught me to question what I was doing and find the answers. Not just "do as I say" teaching.
I have had about 30 years of my career teaching younger engineers and graduates how to not just do the job, but how to develop and improve the job I had developed and was handing over to them. I enjoyed working with (mostly) younger and cleverer people - and watching them become good professional engineers. And even teaching the "simpler" folk at work some very simple and basic things gave me lots of satisfaction, in watching them develop. Just as does learning from the many experts on this forum... I call it the school of life. More a seminar of mutual sharing of knowledge than a simple "Teaching" situation.
To make a working model is great. To make a "person" that can create a better model is surely greater? - We all do it. And we learn from it!
It is the "folly of age" that we teach folk what we know, warts and all. - So, watch out for the "warts" that I include!
Thanks for the kind words.
