Hi again Tenor. In your spreadsheet summary, you mention "Gate Loading" 0.0275. - Should that read "Grate loading"- for the coal fire? - I really don't know what this means... - is it a ratio of air-gap to total grate area? - I have missed it somewhere along the thread.
I am not sure about the "Unburnt fuel lost" either. Listed as 10 - BAR? - I expected "percent", for losses of small fuel dropping through to the grate, smoke and non-burnt fuel going up the flues and out of the chimney, etc.?
Also Dryness factor? = 98Pa? - is that Pascals? - I expected "percent"?
Here is a large ceramic burner I made for an unforced 9" diameter boiler, running on Propane was ~4.4kW. May seem "Odd" that I fitted a rectangular ceramic in a 9in circle, but this was only about 15% less power, and the cost was 2 ceramic plates instead of 4 cut (to fill the sides) with a lot of wastage. The Customer did not reply to say how well it performed... so maybe he wasn't happy?
View attachment 151307
Also a development wire wool burner ~3kW (~3in dia).
View attachment 151305
And a "wire-wool" Propane burner, around 8kW,
View attachment 151306
but needs to be completely remade as I now have more (better) wire wool, and the inner "can" needs restricting (smaller holes) to prevent flashback. I was making this to understand the design parameters "a bit better". Combustion "happens" within the fibre matrix, outside of an inner gas distributing "can". A version half this height could power Rayger's boiler, but maybe limited to 4 or 5kW - with my "technology" level.... Above that would need a Commercial (Bekaert?) burner. - Which costs less than my materials as they bulk-buy the wire matrix, etc..