Well here are the final pictures and video of my lattest engine. She runs fine and appears to have a fair bit of power. This project tested the limits of my mini-lathe, but overall was a good experience. The plans are easy to follow and FREE 8), although I would make the 3/16 cylinder bolts a size smaller if I made another one. The propane burner is really handy and a tank would last for hours or days. A nice clean flame and not messy like liquid fuels or expensive like solid fuels. I need to find a way to drill the 0.009 hole for the orifice as chopping up propane torches is a waste. In the video I have the engine standing on a 1/4", Fun Foam that I found at a craft store. Before when it was just on the table it bounced and slid all over the place. Sitting on this stuff is like a instant balancing job!
Thanks to everyone for encouragement along the way.