Let me elaborate, to achieve the depth of cut for the tool, I need what the book calls "Whole Depth (Preferred) h1." There is also "Working Depth h2". P is the diametral pitch. Regardless, the value for the depth of cut (h1 or h2)uses a different factor (X). Thus the formula is: h1 (or) h2=X/P. Clear as mud, right?
In my case, I wish to use the h2 factor and thus the formula for a 32 DP gear is as follows: h2=2.250/32 Thus each cut needs to be a total depth of 0.0703125.....Round to your choice, myself I will use 0.073.
The formula in the video (apparently)splits X difference in half for it's value.
I am thinking that the Whole Depth is what I need as the last set of gears I made could have used a little more clearance from greater depth, i.e., Whole Depth and not Working Depth. Thinkin on making an aluminum casting to test for sure that this all is going to work before I cut the cast blanks from the kit.
(This is all based off the 28th edition of Machinerys Handbook) If I misunderstand, please correct me. It helps me to understand to try to explain to others.
Kind of busy next few, so not going to cut anytime soon by the looks of things as I don't want to mess up by stopping part way, any change is total destruction of the blank.
Good nite folks.