A few updates on the Lobo Pup Twin.
The complete drawing package has been placed in the Downloads section on page 17. The drawing are in three different formats. PDF, DWG, and DXF. The CAD versions are in the lowest ACAD format that I can generate so should be able to load in most CAD programs that can read either DWG or DXF formats.
Someone in one of the countries that is metric based is converting the drawings to metric standards and building an engine to those specifications. He has contacted the editor of "Model Engine Builder Magazine" about having the plans and an article published after he completes building and running an engine. The editor contacted me for permission to do the spin off article, which I gave. I also sent the editor, at his request, my electronic drawing files. IF the article comes to be, then the editor plans to publish both the Imperial and Metric drawings. He would redraw my drawings to the MEB standards as he does with most submissions. I am not holding my breath on all of this happening as I know how easy it is for most of us to get side tracked on projects and the metric engine may be a long time coming.
For those not familiar with MEB, their website is:
It is a great magazine. In the beginning it was devoted almost entirely to internal combustion engines, but it is now branching out into other types.
Ron gave the Lobo Pup a nice plug on his long running website in the March 2010 issue. By his own admission, Ron is a sucker for twins.
The rest of his website is at
and contains the last 8 years of his monthly editorials along with an astounding amount of information about model engines, mostly model aircraft engines.
Gail in NM